Vertical Prison Where You Have 2 Minutes to Eat, What Remains is Lowered to Another Cell

A group of people is sent to a vertical prison with a hole in the middle through which food is lowered every day; prisoners only have two minutes to eat before they feed someone else.

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29 thoughts on “Vertical Prison Where You Have 2 Minutes to Eat, What Remains is Lowered to Another Cell”

  1. In the book "Thinking in Systems", this situation is called "The Tragedy of the Commons", and the way to fix it is not to convince everyone to be rational. People are already rational but bounded rational. The way to fix it is to fix the system, by making the resources privatized.

  2. I'm glad I considered Imoguiri's solution of portions of food and appeals to rules, before it was shown she did it. It seems that justice is only achieved if you can convince or force a lot of people, in succession to choose the right things. The lower the floor, the more primal the instinct not to obey the rules. This is why uplifting society away from any and all poverty is so important.

  3. The worst part of this is when you realize the chefs and jailers at the "top" aren't even the top of our entire society. They are glorified service workers in a prison complex. The CEOs, politicians and even the common man who consciously and unconsciously support this horrible hidden world aren't ever involved with the prisoners. Everything they do will never be heard beyond the kitchen and maybe a throwaway report or article.

    That's literally what dealing with the prison system in our world is like right now. The common middle class man will barely experience or understand how bad it really gets in there.

    Remeber how seeing 202 made him realize there are more floors than they expected? Even if they get out, there will be a million more floors. And just like the chefs on the top, the REAL top percentage can't connect or empathize.

  4. In the words of Catwoman – There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.

  5. As much as this movie is a big metaphor for the evils of capitalism with those at the top gorging themselves and looking down on those beneath them, the same could be said about socialism, because the only way to have everyone eat the same amount and share with each other is by violence, or at least the threat of violence. Powerful movie.

  6. Horrible movie pushing communism and trying to say how horrible capitalism is, but the metaphor creates a premise that doesn't match with what it's trying to say. You don't just get put in a socio-economical situation, and if you're born into it, you have countless opportunities in a place like America to create value and make your way out. You aren't just put into a random floor every month or whatever. Stupid movie pushing collectivism.


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