Venus and Mars used to have Life! #space #aliens #nasa


28 thoughts on “Venus and Mars used to have Life! #space #aliens #nasa”

  1. I think people live on mars and here on earth but the marsian have more advance technology than the people on earth. When the mars is dying people there migrate to earth and they present them selves as Gods, that's why there's a record all over the world God descending from the sky, a war broke out between Gods and etc.. the reason why they dont exist anymore is that they cant live here because they use to live on mars. That is why they impregnate everyone and put their dna to the people on earth. That is why they always say that God is withing us 😂

  2. THIS PROVES OUTER LIFE MAYBE MORE INTELLIGENT, There’s no way of knowing for sure that there were life forms until we actually go there for ourselves but until then I will have high hopes that my dream has come true

  3. No there weren't three habitable planets! There has only ever been 1, man kids these days are fkin stupid pushing misinformation around on the internet.

    There is 0 proof that any planet other then earth was ever habitable.


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