X – @veinsurvival

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:22 Map
00:01:18 Weapons
00:02:00 Characters
00:02:41 Building & Crafting
00:04:08 World & Items
00:07:01 Art
00:07:37 Miscellanea
00:09:02 Conclusion


47 thoughts on “VEIN – DEVLOG 11”

  1. Have you thought about adding procedural animations and/or active ragdolls for zombies??? I strongly recommend trying this. Also I think you should try adding marks to objects where you hit them, like a scratch on the ddoor where your axe landed or a cut on a zombie. Just some ideas πŸ‘

  2. A good, well balanced open world PvP hardcore survival game with NPC quest is just what the market needs. I have been waiting since the early Dayz days for a game that does it right! I hope you guys are the team that pulls it off! πŸ‘Š

  3. Love all the tiny systems that add to the depth. Keep it up! I can see this being a fun little coop game similar to 7 Days to Die. One thing a lot of these new zombie games get wrong is that they make the the zombies too weak. Zombies need to be deadly, react to noise, and occasionally patrol in hordes. Like 1 hit from a zombie should take a large chunk of your health if your not wearing armour. This is something 7 days to die got spot on.

  4. Appreciate the work on the devlogs. They don't make themselves!

    The amount of detail in this game is impressive. I have to say though, it seems weird to allow people to grab hot items in the forge if they're only going to get major burns. Why not block it? I don't see the gameplay advantage, seems like it'll be something people do on accident and it'll get annoying and then it's another thing to manage.

  5. Im getting a xbox series x just to play this game the second it releases. in a few years this will genuinely be the best zombie game ever i can't thank you guys enough for all you are doing πŸ˜πŸ‘

  6. I think it would be really cool if there was a wood working and fabrication shop located in the map where players would have to go to construct the higher tier fortifications and other items. Once crafted, they would have to be transported back to your base with a vehicle. Using the machines such as table saws and drills would create noise and attract zombies and other players to the area. This would create a much more interesting crafting gameplay mechanic/loop rather than cut down tree with handsaw and craft huge structures out of thin air.

  7. Oh my god I so want to play but just like Dead Matter I'll be happy to watch from the side as I know it probably won't come to IOS/Mac, but the best part with this is that it will actually be a real game that I could see myself playing when I do get a computer that has windows. I am genuinely so happy, I will be talking to my sister about this as she knows much I talked about Dead Matter and the failure. So excited to see people play. Gonna watch all of these in order, be back.

  8. yeah, wishlisted. u got me here very interrested. played the demo for a bit.
    things i like:
    – game mechanics
    – lots of interactiv items
    – survival aspect looks promissing
    – surprised about the immersive world, also visuals quite good
    – skills, skillbased survival
    – variety of tools
    – fun looting, not sure about the ui with symbols, maybe i need to get used to it, but now it feels weird

    bad (at the moment):
    – zombies (art+animations)
    – small world

    – how is the ressource management will be in the end? i see no nodes. loot only? how will the respawn work out?
    – will there be a storyline? endgoal? tower defense mechanics? things that keep me going as a single player?
    – will there be any traiders?

    keep up. it looks great

  9. What you guys have achieved and are on the verge to achieve even more with this game is phenomenal. The clientele of dead matter and the day before could diverge to vein and you could win their trust with Vein. You''ll deliver what the rest couldn't. Don't rush and keep doing what you are doing. There's a few polishes that need to be made but you deliver update after update. I'd say give it 1/2 more years and this game will be a worthwhile play. A little side quest or NPC characters would be nice also.

  10. The game seems really interesting, especially now when games like The Day Before and Dead Matter letting people down, you have a chance to make a breakthrough. Please, make the minimum system requirements lower. RTX2080 is way too high for the minimum requirements and will cut off a LOT of players. And i mean a lot. The half of gaming community are still rocking 1060's and other similar cards, so in order to reach them too, you need to lower the minimum requirements. Other than that, good job!

  11. This game will be huge. Its getter better and better. There is alot of attention to details, lots of items. The thing that i liked Lot is all the building part are accessible. Not like other game that show u a huge one but u can only acess one doorπŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


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