Vegan Karen Draws Gun on Me for EATING MEAT At Steakhouse! I'm The Owner!

An entitled drunk lady stumbles into a steakhouse and claims that she is better than everyone because she is vegan! When being asked to leave the situation escalates and she tries to kill me! I’m the owner of the restaurant and dealt with her quickly!

#reddit #Karen #entitledpeoplestories

0:00 Intro
0:21 Story 1
7:36 Story 2
9:20 Story 3

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Music Credit:
Lakey Youtube:

Official “LAKEY INSPIRED” License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported “Share Alike” (CC BY-SA 3.0) License

Credit for Video Background: Pixabay & Pexel

If you don’t want your story in this video please message me on Reddit at u/aconwright and I will happily remove it 🙂

I’m a voice actor that narrates stories. I record all of the voiceovers and edit by myself. I like to read stories about HOA (homeowner associations), neighbors from hell, revenge, entitledpeople & Karens & discuss them with my viewers & bring the stories to life with funny voices and commentary! I also like to show my cat “Disnii” ❤️


50 thoughts on “Vegan Karen Draws Gun on Me for EATING MEAT At Steakhouse! I'm The Owner!”

  1. The state I live in, in the US, is a law passed, allowing anyone to conceal and carry a firearm. There is no more permit needed. Safe to say, I won't be confronting anyone as gun violence is quite common right now

  2. The last story made me remember this. I traveled frequently for work, spending as much as 8 months per year in hotels. I met many people, while sitting at the hotel bar. A certain older gentleman was in a similar situation as grandfather. His children, grandchildren, and extended family never visited. He fell at home and was on the floor for hours until his neighbor (teenage boy), came by after school. The boy visited the old guy daily, helping him with chores, errands, and whatever else needed doing. The teen visited him in the hospital, when none of his family cared enough to call. The old guy tried to pay him, but he always refused. Like in the story, the old guy called him "grandson". As the guy spoke, I could see how hurt he was by his family's actions. He'd done so much for them and when he needed a hand, they were nowhere to be found. When they did come around, it was to ask for money or "borrow" something (to keep). Then, he cracked a huge smile, and told me, "that boy will have a headstart in life." I asked what he meant and was told that he changed his will, omitting his family. He confessed that he did well for himself in life and was leaving his house, cars, rental property, and money to the teenage boy that had become his best friend over the past few years.

  3. "Without evidence the charges wouldn't stick"
    My guy. You had a drunk woman, a gun with finger prints on it, a bullet hole in the ceiling, and more than enough eyewitnesses to corroborate your story. The CCTV footage wasn't even neccessary at that point.

  4. Last story, this happened at the will reading of my grandparents will (from my mother’s side). My mum has five brothers (well only three now because two died of cancer) and one sister (we call her the wicked witch of the west). Well my grandad left his bank account in my mother’s name because we were always visiting him after my grandma passed away.

    Long story short, one of my uncles (who has cancer now) thought he could be sneaky and take all of the money from my mum, luckily we had a friend who called the bank and told them to put all the money back in my mum’s account. We used to call that thief of a uncle the ginger nutter.

    I think my mum made a mistake of giving £500 to my uncles and aunt (only three of them didn’t want the money) those three gave it either to charity or their children. While the others just took the money and spent it.

  5. Story 1: OP definitely should have gotten a Permanent Restraining Order so she could not come near the restaurant property or come near OP either.
    Last Story: Good on Grandpa for adding the Sue & Lose clause to the will. If OP really feels they don't want/deserve the money…use it to assist some seniors that need help.

  6. The first story is a reminder of why you should always carry. He is lucky he was able to physically fight her off. Businesses should always allow their employees to carry if they care about their employees safety. Those who deny it show they do not care about their employees safety.

  7. Last Story: I would only show compassion to the grandchildren if they were not old enough to visit their grandfather on their own or they were too far away and couldn't afford to visit. But if the grandchildren were adults, they could have at least CALLED and sent letters and kept in touch in other ways. I'd then make sure they had a good college fund each if they were still children. If they were adults, I'd see if they needed help with a college loan or debt and helped them out. Fuck the sons as those two were available to help but couldn't be arsed to lfit a finger for a father that they just wanted death money from.

  8. Your kitty is so nice. Mine is a rescue feral kitten. She's just so zoom zoom zoom but doesn't like to be held. But in the middle of the night she'll jump on my bed and pap my back and purr for a little while. Oh and she likes to be booped in the snoot. I point my finger at her and she'll run over just to touch her nose to the tip of my finger then run away before I can actually pet her. LOL

  9. Slight correction to OP in story 1: the jury vote would have been unanimous unless it was in Louisiana before 2018 or Oregon before 2020 or not the US, in which case, I can't look it up.

  10. So this lady was so drunk she fell being touched but had the coordination enough to get up without help and pull a gun at the same time? Yeah I highly doubt that especially since she didn’t go to jail for brandishing attempted murder and a litany of other charges. There’s more holes in this story than a rusted out colander

  11. Who wouldn't just knock that entitled Karen Out I Would and nowadays Who Cares Anymore I had to deal with sort of Crap in my local Burger King In Gravesend she was shouting that why is all meat burgers she also was calling us murderers and to make it worse for herself she phoned the police and made up that she was assaulted she was the one put in Handcuffs and taken away when they reviewed the security cameras plus witnesses


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