Vaughty – Thought Criminal (BRAND NEW TRACK FROM NEW EP)

“Thought Criminal” is a track from Vaughty’s new “1984” EP. This a is concept album and a follow-up to the full “Dark Society” album and is based on George Orwell’s dystopian classic.

Buy or stream the “1984” album:
CD (Hardcopy)

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Streaming (Spotify)

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38 thoughts on “Vaughty – Thought Criminal (BRAND NEW TRACK FROM NEW EP)”

  1. Congradulations on the best thing you've ever done (that I've heard anyway.) This is fu*****ng AWESOME! The opening reminded me of DM's "Photographic" but then it becomes an industrial monster. Love the talking, and the sung chorus sounds amazing! This is as good as anything I've ever heard on the radio. I want my copy! So impressed. And the message…when I think of what's in the news, both here in America and also in England and Europe, well…we're not too far.

  2. What an amazing production and arrangement. Just wow 👏🏼 Keep on creating, Vaughn. It’s amazing that you can do that. Believe, it comes from a person who cannot finish one song in five years. Continue success!

    P.S. I still believe you should perform some of these songs from Dark Society and 1984 live. I would love to hear this one and Scarred Inside, for instance

  3. Hi Vaughn,

    Listened to this last night. I quite like it! It’s got those light and dark elements to it. I can detect your influences here. Which is good. Are you doing the 1984 Orwellian theme because probably like me you seeing elements of this encroaching in our society for real? Love the synth sounds. I have just done a track with my daughter using spoken word. Me singing towards the outro. Called “ Standing at the waters edge” I am not professional by any means. Just a hobby I have been doing for many years. I have only recently learned that double tracking a vocal part really works wonders! I hate the sound of my own voice singing. I think I can just about get away with it? By the way you play the piano with great talent you must have been schooled? I am far from that. I just go by what chords sound right. Found you by your Depeche mode reviews. Like what you have to say.


  4. Vaughnnnnn, have you listened a lot of AND ONE songs before the creation of this track ? It instantly reminds me Steve Naghavi's style ! ^^
    Well done mate, really great track ! 😍


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