Valorant's Biggest Rivalry Continued! | NRG vs Loud | Pro Valorant Analysis

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40 thoughts on “Valorant's Biggest Rivalry Continued! | NRG vs Loud | Pro Valorant Analysis”

  1. People aren’t realizing that Loud we’re saving strats this game since this game really doesn’t change their position in the league( there still 1st place). Nrg needed this game. Loud don’t

  2. My prediction on who'll qualify for Tokyo:

    LOUD – 1st
    C9 – 2nd
    NRG – 3rd
    (LOUD and NRG are anti-strat heavy teams but LOUD can rely on their incredible mechanics while NRG cannot so until NRG develop a formula to defeat C9, C9 will be on top of NRG)

    FNC – 1st
    NAVI – 2nd
    TL – 3rd
    FUT – 4th
    (I have literally no clue for 3rd and 4th, anyone could beat anyone on a good day)

    PRX – 1st
    DRX – 2nd
    ZETA – 3rd
    (copium on PRX being 1st but maybe, just maybe, they'll finally figure out how to aggress unexpected. 3rd place could literally be anyone in the top 6 honestly, the Pacific teams except PRX and DRX are quite equal)

  3. I loved the structure of throwing in some rounds without analysis or pauses to show how the setup played out! I think it would be a good format for future analysis when we these obvious pre-round setup changes.

  4. Victor playing kj now from being the primary duelist for so long and taking a shit ton of pressure during entry, good load off his shoulders, dude has insane skill but very often poor guy died during entry and you could see the frustration in his cam. Yay's time with them he mostly played Chamber when they were kind of experimenting with him on Kayo and stuff. Similar to Asuna shifting to flex/initiator now mostly…

  5. Is it just me or are a lot of valo games getting more and more about spamming through smokes/walls?
    I remember how the increase of barriers destroyed overwatch, I would hate if the same would happen to valo because of smokes and walls

  6. This approach from NRG seems a lot familiar to C9's approach on Pearl vs NRG.
    Really proves How C9 are ahead in terms of gameplan even. Its gonna be really interesting when C9 and NRG will meet in playoffs. Maybe thats the match for qualifying to Tokyo even.


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