USS Enterprise E Gatling Cannon! VS USS Enterprise G | Will this work? | Star Trek Bridge Commander

A viewer suggested using the Enterprise E as a Quantam Torpedo gatling launcher! So here we go. I turned the phaser power down and it goes crazy. Hopefully it beats the Enterprise G!

Monday 4th July 2022 Videos:
Galaxy X From Hell VS Atlantis:
Jem’Hadar Bug Ship VS Sabre Class:
Scorpion 2 VS Borg Fleet:
Star Trek Bridge Crew Borg Encounter:
Enterprise E Gattling Cannon VS Enterprise G:


21 thoughts on “USS Enterprise E Gatling Cannon! VS USS Enterprise G | Will this work? | Star Trek Bridge Commander”

  1. hmm does that put the torpedo strength at 10%? you can do something similar with the defiant. Set phasers to 99% and its much better on the cannons

  2. Don't even know what the point of the phasers is. They waste power and do no damage lol. Then again the Ent E phasers were like that against the Scimitar. I liked how the Ent E's turret launcher was visibly totally destroyed, yet it kept on firing. Impressive.

  3. Hahaha. Yes, one time when I was bored, I forget what I was looking up, but I read that phasers are for draining shields, torpedoes do hull damage. The G has the most powerful phaser array I've seen. (Even better than the J). And the G's shields regenerate even faster than the Prometheus. Transphasic torpedoes don't count (I read about them too) πŸ˜€. They not only bypass shields, they bypass the first layer of the hull and then detonate. I can't believe Voyager survived that Year of Hell event. Just one should have been fatal.

  4. Curious, have you ever tried the uss Aventine, the Vesta class? Not sure how it would stand up against the enterprise e, f, or g but I’d think it’d be on par with the e.

  5. Near the end, dorsal shields ( I think dorsal) shields on the G went red! If you could have survived another 1 to 2 minutes, or had a second E, you'd have won, using that awesome gatling gun mode!

  6. Wow thats just crazy lol. The G was laughing at you like it thought it was the Peter Griffin πŸ˜…πŸ––. To take that many quantum torpedoes and walk away with just a scratch is unfair really lol


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