Using a broken piece of glas to finish wood #ireland #handtools #woodwork #satisfying #glass


29 thoughts on “Using a broken piece of glas to finish wood #ireland #handtools #woodwork #satisfying #glass”

  1. I've always used the back of a boxcutter blade, same sort of sharp-but-square edge but comes with a nice handle. I prefer the super-long 25mm snap blades, nice and large and the holders actually let you USE the back of the blade without taking it outta the handle. Basically a cabinet scraper that fits in your pocket, and comes with a knife side for if you need to make coarser alterations.

  2. I've been watching a few of your videos for some time now. The accent, the way you're dressed and the old school skills. It's everything I wish my life was man. Damn your awesome man. Please don't stop posting. Got some good tips from you my good sir

  3. Working with your hands. You'll end up with scars. Some you remember and others. You don't ever remember how the scar got there. I've had some cuts that I didn't even know I was cut. Most the time I think I've gotten a little water on me. The human body is so fragile.


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