US Navy Destroy Missile Heading For… Israel? – Naval News

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USS Carney is employed by our Integrated Air Defense System to shoot down 3 Iranian cruise missiles and 8 Iranian drones launched out of Yemen.
Chinese Coast Guard rams a Philippine supply boat in the South China Sea.
China reinforces it’s military capability throughout the South China Sea.
China adds Ballistic Missile Submarine deployments from Hainan Island to the South China Sea.

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37 thoughts on “US Navy Destroy Missile Heading For… Israel? – Naval News”

  1. It's a matter of hoping for the best/planning for the worst. China has invested too much and crossed too many lines wrt to rule of law, as has Russia. Neither will not stop on their own accord unless there is regime change. Until then, they must be constrained/stopped by external pressure/forces, in particular, INTERNATIONAL UNITY. They aspire to regional hegemony for now and then a new international order to replace the Liberal-democratic order. I thank god that America is still strong and currently led by someone sane/rational and with progressive vision (President Joe Biden). Still, we have a long way to go: a world that tolerates the evils of Putin, Xi, Raisi, Un for fear of military reprisal and freely provides news-space to the likes of Elon Musk and his 'thoughts' on Ukraine (can anyone get him to shut the front door?), is a world sorely in need of the kind of leadership/heart that the current American President and team are exhibiting…but America cannot do it all on its own.

  2. Thank you for keeping us updated on everything brother. I seen that apparently multiple 🇺🇸 service men and women have been injured. I hope all are okay god bless 💙🇺🇸🇮🇱✡️✝️

  3. Hey Aaron, I remember hearing from @Grandma what happen to you on Discord… You're moderators were Way too politically motivated. However, in response to you're question, China has way too much vested @ this point to just back down = JMHO😉

  4. now we have inserted ourselves into yet another world problem we dont need to be apart of… we need to stop acting like the world police and fix our problems ahead of the worlds.

  5. Yeah, sadly, China has decided that theu want to Rule the World, this, given that the Chinese only respect action, kinetic war is extremely likely, if not inevitable.

    Well, unless you all suddenly decide you're happy being slaves…

  6. Just my opinion based off what I’ve read and seen (and your videos, of course), I really believe China is increasing their presence and provocation b/c they wanna be a world power, and they want someone else to “throw the first punch”, so they can look like they’re the “good guy on the playground” who comes in to stop the fight, when they’re the ones that are actually the “bully” who’s tryin to provoke things into escalation.

  7. The one thing you have to think of is Xi Jinping as the Emperor of China. Everything he does is to remain in power and expand that power. Since the days of Mao China has gone back to its traditional way of low risk expansion by exploiting weakness. Law of the Sea is a western concept. Don't expect China to giving flying ** about western law, that is unless it is to China's advantage.

  8. Everyone is bulking up and just ignoring pretense here. The US is building at least 7 bases in the philippines, and is even in talks of getting their hands on that base that was destroyed by the eruption. Japan is starting to fortify their islands near Taiwan, and is ballooning their military budget. Australia is working on the nuclear sub thing too. Make no mistake EVERYONE is sorting their things in preparation for a war. The real question is whether it will happen or not, and really that comes down to whether China thinks its really worth it. They're gonna have to make a decision very soon too because in a few years it'll be significantly harder than it already is for them to successfully conquer Taiwan. They're putting so much effort into their navy and artificial islands along with energy security efforts so I suspect they may be too far in to turn back.

  9. Oh, Aaron, you sweet, summer child….China is in it to win it. And they will play President Poopy-Pants like a Stradivarius….they will take the looong view, as long as not pushed by circumstances. As these incidents show, they aren't above provoking the situation, if possible…

  10. YouTube's algorithm seems to be preventing me from giving my two cents worth, so hopefully this comment adds to your audience numbers, great content as usual🤘


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