US Got Nervous! China Revealed Its LARGEST Aircraft Carrier

For a long time, China’s military equipment and naval forces were not an exception to the Soviet legacy. The first Chinese aircraft carrier “Liaoning” is actually an unfinished Soviet aircraft carrier “Varyag”, which Ukraine sold with all the documentation to China in 1999 for a ridiculous 20 million dollars. By the way, at that time the Chinese leadership swore that no one would finish the ship and it would be used as a floating hotel and entertainment center. For more convincing the ship was purchased by a company from Macau – Chinese Las Vegas.


17 thoughts on “US Got Nervous! China Revealed Its LARGEST Aircraft Carrier”

  1. This video has not taken into account of the collapsing Chinese economy, friendly nations leaving BRI projects, and the failure of Chinese military equipment in China and in allied nations like Pakistan.

  2. It's a technological masterpiece to build a Carrier, however whilst it's a hard thing to build its a huge step up to be able to operate an asset like that, it took the US and RN fleet a long time to be able to use these resource intensive beasts to their full potential – it's not something you can pick up and use in a few years.

  3. The comparison of the Chinese and US navies reveals a multifaceted contest of technology, experience, and strategic depth. The US Navy, with its technologically advanced vessels like the USS Gerald R. Ford and stealth aircraft like the F-35C, holds a technological edge. It also benefits from extensive combat experience and global strategic positioning through a network of allies and bases, enabling global power projection. In contrast, while the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has grown rapidly, surpassing the US in ship numbers, it lacks the US's combat experience and technological sophistication, particularly in key areas like aircraft carriers and advanced destroyers. Despite the PLAN's modernization efforts, the US Navy's superior technology, experienced personnel, and strategic capabilities, including global alliances, provide it with a distinct advantage.

  4. What happens if these open borders allows us to be infertertrated from within our country by terrorists and other enemy forces. Just like we got caught when the twin towers and the Pentagon were attacked. What if our enemies are planning something from ok inside and outside our country at the same time. I pray that we our more prepared in the days ahead!


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