US braced for 'bomb cyclone' of snow and record-breaking cold

US weather forecasters have warned of deadly conditions with the country set to suffer its coldest Christmas in more than 40 years.

The National Weather Service said temperatures of -45C were possible by the end of this week in some parts of the country.

More than 100 million people across the US are under winter weather alerts.

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35 thoughts on “US braced for 'bomb cyclone' of snow and record-breaking cold”

  1. Military industrial complex can control the weather to propel the fake climate change “great reset” new world order agenda to bring us in to a social credit scoring system and digital passports snd eventually the mark of the beast to buy and sell, whatever these fake so called news agency put out is LIES it’s all orchestrated, until the three letter agencies are broken up and the media as we know is dissolved , these lies will continue!

  2. It seems as if Vortices are appearing in countrys. We in britain london Birmingham and up to huddersfield are getting hot triangles in summer for a country that used to be freezing cold icy winters and cool wet summers
    Scary and America seems to be having weather vortices or Domes affecting one set massive area. I think natures telling us to sit up and take notice, wbst heating system can keep anyone aarm at 45deg below zero. Our winters are getting wet and mild the plants don,t go to sleep. Over 30 years ago from october was frost uce snow snd fog all the way through till april. At least coal fires kept the house warm. Brr.

  3. Death because of winter is better than the death caused by Assumption university or Abac Thailand. After installing the tapes in our school office, after stealing our conversation without awareness, the school uploaded on social media, this has been done for many years by Abac.

  4. Strange because just a few months ago the Climate Change Doomsday lot were talking of the end of the world during a short "heatwave". Where are those people now? I don't here from them.

  5. Just for the record sky news is just a awoke propaganda channel that constantly bangs on about the "climate emergency " nonsense! This puts it to bed THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!@@@

  6. Is this the chickens coming home to roost for the Americans. The most destructive, evil race of people in the history of mankind.
    Don't ask me, ask the native Indians, Black Americans, Chinese, Irish, Mexicans, Cubans, Japanese, Koreans x 2, Iranians, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Iraqi's, Afghanistani's, rest of the world about the 6 million who died of Covid as it emerges that USA was complicit in funding the Wuhan lab that developed and let escape/released the Covid virus.
    The Americans simply cannot be trusted , they have proven in history that they have no moral compass, everythings a game to them to try and strengthen their position in the world no matter how many lives it costs.
    Maybe this is God's payback, showing them who's really in charge, if so long may this continue. Make peace not war, love and best wishes to those nations who live peacefully and in harmony with nature. 😛💙👍.


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