Urgent , Man Bear Pig is Back, You don't wanna believe , Ill show you!, Bring the Sanity Back Now!

Previously on Mike in the Night ! – https://rumble.com/v2zboak-mike-in-the-night-e512-guillain-barr-syndrome-outbreak-the-sound-of-freedom.html

Man Bear Pig is Back, and its Serious!
“ManBearPig” is the title of the fourth episode in the tenth season of the popular American animated television series, South Park. This particular episode, which originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 26, 2006, serves as the 145th episode in the overall series. In “ManBearPig,” the character Al Gore pays a visit to the town of South Park with a warning about a mythical creature called ManBearPig, representing an allegory for the issue of global warming. As the plot unfolds, Gore manages to trap the show’s main characters, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, inside a treacherous cave known as the Cave of the Winds.

The episode begins with Al Gore, voiced by Trey Parker, making an appearance at South Park Elementary School to inform the students about the existence of an imaginary monster named ManBearPig. According to Gore, this creature, described as being “half human, half bear, half pig,” poses a threat to humanity by attacking people worldwide. While Gore fervently spreads awareness about this fictional cryptid, Randy, one of the adult characters, advises Stan and his friends to distance themselves from Gore, dismissing him as merely seeking attention.

One night, Gore contacts Stan and insists on discussing ManBearPig further. Stan initially tries to decline politely, but Gore breaks down in tears, prompting Stan to reconsider. Subsequently, Gore convinces Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny to join him for a meeting centered around ManBearPig. During this gathering, Gore claims that the elusive creature is hiding deep within the treacherous Cave of the Winds. In exchange for their assistance in the hunt for ManBearPig, Gore promises to officially excuse the boys from attending school that day.

Once inside the caves, the echoing sound for which the Cave of the Winds is renowned leads Gore to mistakenly believe that he has encountered the creature. Panicking, he fires his shotgun haphazardly, triggering a cave-in that leaves the boys trapped inside the caverns. Meanwhile, the rest of the group manages to escape before the cave-in, with Gore convinced that ManBearPig is to blame. The boys begin their desperate search for a way out, and it is during this time that Cartman discovers a small cavern filled with what appears to be a treasure. Driven by greed, he starts ingesting the treasure piece by piece, intending to smuggle it out of the cave.

Outside the cave, a rescue team assembles to locate and save the boys. Gore, however, decides to divert the flow of a nearby stream in order to flood the cavern, aiming to drown the presumed monster. As the floodwaters rise, the boys manage to find an escape just in the nick of time, while a memorial service is being held in their honor. When Gore attempts to take credit for their rescue, Stan, having lost all sympathy for him, lashes out in anger and calls him a “loser” for using the situation as a means to draw attention to himself. Unfazed, Gore remains convinced that he has successfully eliminated ManBearPig. Meanwhile, Cartman’s attempt to walk away is impeded by intense pain as he begins to excrete the pieces of the treasure he consumed. It is then revealed to Cartman that the treasure was nothing more than a prop used for tourist photo opportunities, valued at a mere $14. This revelation deeply upsets Cartman, who continues to defecate the fake treasure, while Kyle angrily admonishes him for causing so much trouble in his pursuit of personal gain. As the episode concludes, Gore announces his plans to make a film starring himself, donning a cape and pretending to fly away.


28 thoughts on “Urgent , Man Bear Pig is Back, You don't wanna believe , Ill show you!, Bring the Sanity Back Now!”

  1. Understanding the physical empirical science for the base foundation of our existence is the simple solution. Science to 'them' is unfortunately Scientology to us. Any earth science dependent on 'theory' means they own the true science. In mass, we need to stop being so dumb and wake up to our natural surroundings.

  2. You've hit the nail on the head again Mike. The way I see it is we're heading to the end. Revelation 21 speaks of this world passing away and New Jerusalem coming down to replace this earth. I understand it's about controlling us with all the hoaxs. They're trying to "save" something that is already dead lol.

  3. How can you have zero carbon, it's ridiculous 😅
    Another money making scam. What about the magnetic North pole shift, surely this has an effect on climate, but I'm no scientist 🤔

  4. totally agree, also wanted to say…
    that one world governments are nothing new. the babylonian empire was trying to be one and created the "tower of babel" as to show they didn't need god anymore. to correct them god destroyed this tower and made them speak different languages, so that they sounded nonsensical to each other. this act was a blessing for them. so that wickedness would not become abundant. today once again they seek to unite us under the UN against god. this time though is the final days before god's day of judgement. then the ps. 37:11 "meek will inherit the earth". god's original plan restored.

  5. Forest fires morphed into wildfires,I guess because all the forests have been clear cut to pay papa government’s tax and they didn’t know it takes thousands of years to replace it’s self,the federal government is run by retards.

  6. Climate change has always happened for millions of years. But when they say “ climate change” they are implying that it’s primarily man-made climate change from creating CO2 . That has never been established. Water vapour is 40X more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. The “ climate crisis” is about killing off forests and crops to create mass starvation. This is motivated by the insane idea from the 1960’s about controlling the “ population bomb” of overpopulation. What really decreases populations is to raise their standard of living. The wealthier a country becomes the fewer children they have. This is made worse by mass immigration leaving the country of origin of the immigrants without the Human Resources to improve their standard of living. That in fact creates even greater poverty in the Third World.

  7. it is written in the Lima Agreement of 1979 that the use of weather against us was their best option to bring about global unity through fear. It was also agreed that manufacturing would gradually shift from 1st world to 3rd world. i believe Club of Rome members participated.

  8. This is bloody crazy . All landfill sites produce methane . A renewable energy . The only climate change is caused by private jets . Research air quality and climate during 911 when usa banned jets from their airspace

  9. Government policy is Tell enough bull poop and eventually we the people will believe in anything . CBDC are creeping slowly into place . the world bank just told us its beginning . It wont be sudden ! It will be gradual and i guess we make it fertile because of their incentives .unless we get rid of the phone it will happen . After its almost in place well need i say more . welcome to the machine

  10. Hey man, the cover pic for this video with Mr. T in the field playing with matches was really funny. Cleverly done. The big head thing made it even better. Your art skills are awesome.

    But I do feel bad for people that he's hurt with his crap.

  11. Mike, What You Need To Understand Is That Most People Have "Tunnel Vision" Producing Tunnel Thinking, And Their World Is Very Narrow.

    You're Asking Them To Think Beyond The Obvious Or "GOD FORBID" To Have An Independent Thought That Goes Against The Grain.

    In Early Education, Children Learn To "Do, What I Say Do!" Without Thought, Never Really Getting An Opportunity To "Think Independently!

    Thus, Producing Generations Of "Followers" And "No Leaders!!"

    So, When You Speak On "Things To Come" Or In The Future, "You Might As Well Speak "Greek!" To Them, They Have No Concept Of The Message You're Trying Too Convey, Because, It's Not In Front Of Them.


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