Urgent action needed to prevent the complete demise of the GOP

You’ve probably heard about how bad things are with the MI GOP. Truth is, it’s WORSE than you think.


10 thoughts on “Urgent action needed to prevent the complete demise of the GOP”

  1. He unwittingly undermines his own argument when he says "most Republicans have no idea who their precinct delegate is". Actually, a lot of them don't even know WHAT a precinct delegate is. They have near zero interest in the process and only 1 in 4 actually vote in the current primary process. But let's continue to have them – and a bunch of Dems and Independents vote on who our Republican Party nominee is going to be! Worse yet, the primaries are administered by the Dem-run machine vote counting system. Lovely. This system will have REPUBLICANS hand-counting the votes.In fact, historically, today’s open primary system didn’t even exist in this country until the early 1900’s.The system favored by Kristina was the NORM in the time when we still had a functioning Constitutional Republic. Furthermore, we ALREADY select our nominees by caucus in the case of the Supreme Court, SOS, AG, State, BOE and the university regents. If KK’s system is good enough for the most important posts – like Supreme Court Justice, why can’t it be restored to the traditional system for county commissioner, Congressman and sheriff? Removing the massive problem of candidates being bought and paid for is another benefit of Kristina’s system. BTW, contrary to what this apparently uninformed political neophyte says, KK, is the opposite of communist – she’s a Constitutionalist and she’s turning the Michigan GOP back into the Party of the Constitution. Delegates should back her like their kids’ and grandkids’ futures depend on it. Because they do.

  2. Wow! What a bunch of lies! The deception by this shill of the establishment is evil. Scott, you are right. The people that voted out KK are not RINO’s, they have been deceived by the puppet masters that you have been deceived by. The “big donors” that you are working for have a globalist mindset and are doing the bidding of the WEF. We the People will not stand for it. I pray that you see the light before it is too late. Have a blessed day!

  3. To be clear, Kristina and Company are not advocating a closed primary, where only registered Republicans would be allowed to view in candidates to the election.

    They are advocating a closed caucus, where Republican voters are completely dependent on precinct delegates from across the state to choose candidates even for their local school board. Meaning people from Sheboygan will be deciding who may run for schoolboard in Monroe or who may run for mayor in Warren.

  4. The current selection process for AG, SOS, LG and Judges is the same format that is being proposed – a closed State Caucus with Delegate Representation only voting.
    Why is there no hand wringing over THAT process that excludes the open primary Republican voter?

  5. Look, all Political Parties are private. Voters believe they should be able to influence the inner activities (such as candidate selection) of these private organizations. Where this idea came from is lost on me but is perhaps it's presented to give a false sense of inclusion. Very few other private organizations give non-members ANY input into the structures and policies of such enterprises. The 'electorate' is being led to believe they have some influence to draw them in to garner donations and volunteerism. Current election laws are often aligned with this philosophy as they were instituted by the very organizations they are supposed to police.

  6. 🤣🤣 so your the guy that wrote that fairytale?
    Yes actions speak louder than your words. You put hoaxstra in charge? Really? The guy that pushed the patriot act? The act that allowed the government to spy on us? Fuck off


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