Urban park camping, Suncheon, Korea

Travelling from Suncheon to Baekyangsa

Solo backpacking and camping Korea, October 2022


20 thoughts on “Urban park camping, Suncheon, Korea”

  1. My soles fell off my hiking boots coming down from Carrauntoohil (highest point in Ireland) last week. I had to descend three miles in boot carcasses. Boot glue disintegrates in wet weather I discovered! 😮

  2. Great Video. I thought you would stay another day and pursue the female. Then glad you showed how the Go Pro connects hands free across your chest. I was wondering about that.

  3. Stitch up. It was a stitch up. You film hours of material, and most of it is a good bloke doing a good job of making a travel vlog, and the one time you try and hook up with a Korean guesthouse owner only to crash and burn with thousands of people watching, you're gonna look a prat.
    You try and fail to pull a girl on YouTube, and you're labelled a prat. And that's the game.


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