URAHARA’S BIGGEST FAILURE | Masaki’s Hollowfication! | BLEACH Explained

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BLEACH Thousand Year Blood War arc anime is currently adapting Everything But The Rain, so in this video I wanted to discuss Urahara’s involvement during that pivotal flashback arc. How he has always picked up the pieces following Aizen’s crimes and why undoing the effects of hollowfication is in fact his biggest failure within the series.

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49 thoughts on “URAHARA’S BIGGEST FAILURE | Masaki’s Hollowfication! | BLEACH Explained”

  1. He did not fail in that he was able stabilize and then save the lives of those Hollowfied, then helped them set up circumstances that allowed them more or less lead normal lives. For being a genius Kisuke's humbleness and willingness to admit his flaws, failures and inner fears is his strongest trait. We saw this at the end of CFYOW where he admitted to Yoruichi his very real fear of becoming like Aizen or Yhwach with ambition for knowledge.

  2. For being a complete genius, Urahara is very humble and that's what separates him from Aizen. While both are super geniuses, Urahara has the humility to see his flaws and even admit them while Aizen thinks of himself as superior to everyone else thus making him a great villain. When you think about it, the whole of Bleach manga is a chess game between Urahara and Aizen where one is trying to counter each other constantly.

  3. If you ask me, one's power seeks to correspond with what they fight against
    Soul reapers fight hollows for the sake of balance thus when they themselves get hollowfied, said power seeks to find balance. Quincies on the other hand seek a total annihilation thus when hollow power comes into contact with, also seeks to produce the same results. Anyway, that's just me thinking 🤔🤔🤔

  4. White isn't just made from one Shinigami it's made from a bunch of Shinigami souls.

    Haha I'd like to imagine Aizen being a the dead beat father who impregnates the mother, dips out, then Urahara has to pay for the child birth and as a bonus was the doctor who operated during the labor. Then he basically monitored and made sure he grew up with proper parents, then Aizen comes around and says "Yeah you came from me it was me who made you."

    Urahara: "This bitch."

  5. Arrancar aren't Hollows that have gained Shinigami powers. They're Hollows that have survived having their masks removed. Stark and Lilynette, Ulquiorra and Baraggan were all Arrancar before Aizen Shinigamified them with the Hougyoku.

  6. I personally never thought of Urahara as a shady individual. I saw him as a genius who has no patience explaining his thought process and everything he does to lesser minds. I know that because I'm the same… Not that I'm particularly a genius or I see everyone else as lesser minds. Just that I see the world in the different way than others might see things. And explaining myself Is just a pain and is annoying. So I understand why Urahara might not be inclined to explain himself. He knows what's happening and he has a solution, so he just does it with no apologies.

  7. That’s a completely stupid title. She survived because of his research. Ichigo exists because he saved his mother’s life. The powers he has are a direct result of her surviving. Yes it was all start by Aizen’s experiments, but it was Urahara’s action ts that she survived the incident and would later have a child from Isshin.

  8. I love Kisuke. He's the smartest character in the series but he uses his knowledge and skills to benefit both himself and others. I wish he had more screen time because he's one of the most amazing characters.

  9. If urahara really thought the hogyoku purpose was breaking down the boundaries of shinigami & hollow (hollification) why would he think it would turn them back to normal?. Subtle things in bleach seem to imply kisuke knew what the hogyoku was & knew what was needed to complete it & likely planted it in rukia on purpose to draw aizen out and clear his own name.

  10. Idk what's a perfect hollification? You can't have a resurrection and a bankai right, so it what do you value more. If tosen had done a segunda entapa and then used his bankai I'd buy it but You can't trust aizen.

  11. One thing that is implied, but not properly confirmed or denied, is that only souls going through hollowfication may undergo soul suicide. They way I see, hollow souls are toxic to every other soul, not just quincy, quincy being particular susceptible to hollow reiatsu killing them. Captain level shinigami only endure for longer before suffering soul suicide, but they die just like every soul undergoing hollowfication, until Urahara discover the opposing souls solution.

  12. It's like you said, I wouldn't call it failure on Urahara's part. In the first place hollowfication was an experiment by Aizen in order to evolve a Shinigami further beyond their limits.
    All Urahara did to help Shinji and the other Visoreds to prevent soul suicide was to make somewhat a vaccine to stabilize them.
    It would be thanks to this that the Visoreds would later master using both Shinigami and Hollow powers as one.
    In Masaki's case it was different because of 2 crucial things.
    One is that the hollowfication process was meant for only Shinigami not Quincies.
    Two is that Hollows are literal poison to Quincies.

  13. I get the feeling that hollows and soul reapers are two sides of the same coin and humans are the opposite of spiritual beings. Quincies are just super humans. Quincies/humans and spirits cancel eachother out like how quincies destroy souls and the hollows are toxic to humans. Arrancar are hollows as soul reaper and vizards are soul reapers as hollows. But where do fullbringers fit into this?

  14. How did Urahara create his Hogyoku? And if he did it in a morally okay way, couldn't this be used to turn more shinigami into visored? Would be interesting to see something like that.


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