UPDATED ALPHA 22 CONTENT!!! – Console Release Date, Blood Moons Game Mode and More!

Today I discuss potential RELEASE DATES for 7D2D CONSOLE VERSION as well as new GAME MODES, updates and MORE coming to Alpha 22.
Blood Moons Trailer: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2312280/7_Days_Blood_Moons/#:~:text=7%20Days%20Blood%20Moons%20is,Who%20will%20prevail%3F

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17 thoughts on “UPDATED ALPHA 22 CONTENT!!! – Console Release Date, Blood Moons Game Mode and More!”

  1. That new game mode is gonna be dead on arrival. It should've been free or included in the base game. The game is a buggy mess just from the trailer amd if 7 days is anything to go by the game will be a mess on release and for years to come. The devs are completely hopeless

  2. FP get rid of that stupid magazine progression system. What were you all thinking or not thinking.

    BTW, Haidrgna, a contributor here on uboob created a horde tower defense years ago. And it is pretty fun. Haidragna has uploads of what happens in his version under his uboob uploads. Also, Haidragna developed something he called Necropolis which is the harshest environment I've ever seen for 7d2d and is funny as hell to watch multiplayers fight and DIE.

    I don't think he updated them during the years but downloading a18 or around there and getting ahold of the mods would be a very interesting mod to watch Venom. But probably would not get much viewing interest.

  3. Yeaahhhh, no. I spent too much time on this just to have their updates constantly set me back to the beginning and never being allowed to finish the game. Not worth the buy as I expect their "we're making the game WE wanna play" attitude is interfering with a playable game. Dropped out at A21 and never looking back.

  4. It was supposed to 3rd quarter of 23, then 1sr quarter of 24, and now you're saying maybe 3rd quarter of 24. Fck tfp. They suck ass. I hope they go out of business

  5. Some nice things would be them fixing the physics for the vehicles along with the audio and durability for each vehicle. Also the audio for the zombies, hear one make a noise that sounds lime it's right up on you for it to be outside, 3 blocks away.


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