upcoming books that sound interesting

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45 thoughts on “upcoming books that sound interesting”

  1. Aw man, I really hope that "books only available in audio format" doesn't become a trend. That Stephen Graham Jones book sounds kinda interesting to me but I don't do audio books, I've just never been able to focus on them at all. If authors really wanted to explore that as a format and encourage that you listen to an audiobook, I would rather they do something where your only buying option is the audiobook but you get a text ebook along with it, so that it's accessible for more people.

  2. Erik Larson put out a novel that's only available on audio and his website says: "Available only as an audiobook, because as Erik says, ghost stories are best told aloud." And I think that's an interesting concept for spooky things!

  3. 20:54 I’m so stoked that everyone in this room will someday be dead is going to be in the bunny reading list! So far it’s one of my favourite reads of the year, and I was really happy to be able to support a Canadian author too

  4. I LOVE these videos – I rarely look at books that are coming out so i'm always surprised when i see the list since some are perfect for my reading taste or have repeat authors and i'm delighted to know they have a new book. It helps me build my TBR <3

  5. You are mine and my wife's favorite booktuber. You more align with my reading tastes, but my wife really enjoys watching your videos. This was a good one and I got SOOOOOO many new books to look out for.

  6. Have you read An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard. Adult fantasy with a game and some romance but also lots of family dynamics. Howard also has Roses and Rot which is a sisters story but also fantasy, romance and a “competition” at a school. Loved them both!

  7. I can never recall what I've mentioned before but I think you should look into Radiance by Grace Draven because I think I would consider it a somewhat cozy fantasy romance. Or if you haven't read Neverwhere or The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, those would be great, as well. I don't know if they fit your idea of cozy fantasy, but I think I'd consider pretty chill and/or atmospheric! The Neil Gaiman books would probably especially be good for you because they've got a sort of bizarre feel to them that I think you'd connect with.

  8. hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me how you can find out about upcoming books! are there articles or something? I always want to make a list of anticipated reads but I never know about new and upcoming books until they're actually published or by videos like these.

  9. this is unrelated to the video but i just realized that i've been watching your videos and talking about how much i love your content to my friends for half a decade and yet this is the first comment i've ever left on one of your videos??

  10. I added Where Sleeping Girls Lie to my Want to Read. After hearing you talk about why you are interested in Immortal Longings, I have a recommendation for you. It is called The Savior's Champion by Jenna Moreci and I think that pretty much ticks all the boxes that you mentioned. It is a fabulous book and I think you would love it!

  11. neuroatypical here: it is very hard to read the shot in the dark cover due to the lack of contrast and a lot of colors going on. it doesnt help that the background isnt an off white or white, but a peachy color. the smudging makes it all the worst for me to process. maybe thats what the issue is?


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