‘Unsurprising’: More elites flying in private jets than ever before

#shorts The demand for private jets from the world’s elite has increased in a post-Covid world says Sky News host James McPherson.

‘There’s been more private flights taken in the last year than ever before,’ he said.

‘We shouldn’t be surprised about this, during the last climate conference about 400-private jets had flown to the Red Sea resort city where the conference was held.’


35 thoughts on “‘Unsurprising’: More elites flying in private jets than ever before”

  1. They do because they can because they can afford it. As long as it's not on tax payer money, what's wrong with that? They either know that climate crisis is a hoax or they don't care. I personally have no concern how they get to where they are going. I doubt there is a middle class citizen in the nation that wouldn't use one if they had access to one. We all have equal opportunity in this country. Find a way, make a way. Who doesn't know that we live in a world of hypocrites?

  2. The rich can't buy carbon credits or carbon offsets. They need to reduce their own emissions in their private life like they are telling everyone else to do.
    No more private jets or even boats (yachts over some size like 70 feet or so). Otherwise they are hypocritical and not serious.

  3. The elites can’t socialize with the peasants. They are better than us didn’t you know? They need those private jests so they don’t have to slum it like the rest of us and take commercial.

  4. Actually you can stop using plastic straws and use paper straws like Wendy's does. It does feel different to use them, but they do deterate much faster

  5. Maybe they should have green aircraft like the green green Coal powered cars so🎉🎉 green once they have built the thousands of power stations needed to meet the demand of people having to get rid of the diesels they were encouraged to buy.

  6. No doubt the galleys on these jets are fully stocked with all the plastics straws one could use in a lifetime. Or maybe they “green” things up by using solid titanium straws and making “the help” hand clean them.

  7. It's only climate change for us!
    change here change there
    comply here comply there
    control em' here control em' there
    until they have succeeded with their
    climate change bc then we all will be
    tucked and locked away in our homes/
    work/ homeless/ etc…. you know the thing!

  8. People need to learn more about climate bull shit. Anyone born in the 60s 70s have heard it all before it’s lost its scary meaning look into it there is still real scientific proof that it’s bull shit.

  9. every time an climate nut tells me to do something for the environment i do! i floor my car that much harder to feel the rush of speed and the surge of adrenaline while i puke more exhaust into the air!


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