Unsuccessful Sand Transfer: Her Bridge Out of Order

As you know, the single mother has been trying for several days to bring construction materials, like sand, to her farm. However, the large river near her farm prevents any vehicle from entering. Finally, after several days of waiting, a truck brings some sand for the single mother but cannot cross the bridge. They are forced to unload the sand halfway, and the mother has to repair the bridge to bring the sand to her farm. Today, with the help of a worker, the single mother also finally completes the construction of the canopy for her outdoor kitchen.
In the previous parts, we witnessed this mother leaving her home with her three children due to the fact that her husband, who had gone to the city for work, returned home with a second wife after a long absence. Now, the mother of these children has made the decision to create a new life for herself and her children.
#NomadicLife #FamilyConflict #TwoWives #MountainHome #IntenseDrama #survival #strongwoman #ResilientMother #mountainwoman #woman #Hardship #Building #Pregnancy #Pregnant #GlobalNomad
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37 thoughts on “Unsuccessful Sand Transfer: Her Bridge Out of Order”

  1. Tayeba ,un ejemplo de madre ,que da todo por sacar adelante a sus hijos ,pero creo que no siempre debe complacer los caprichos a Hamid ,a tal punto de comprarle el vestido verde ,igual que a Azada ,que por cierto a ella le queda muy lindo.

  2. Tayeba,!! De ce mai crești păsări, dacă tot cumperi de pe piață , ai pui SI găini frumoase , faci orez bun la copiii din zeamă de la pui , bun SI sănătos, dacă nu știi îti lăsăm in comentarii, numai să ceri ajutorul ..

  3. É interessante como pessoas de lugares que as pessoas não gostam de banho criticam que Hamid não toma banho. Se a pessoa que critica Hamid toma banho ok mas ao contrário o ditado"" O #$%%^^^ sujo falando do mal lavado."

  4. Depois que vi aquele menino de vestido porque quis por birra, perdi a vontade de assistir. Agora esta lá o vestido jogado num canto. Dinheiro jogado fora. Amar não é fazer tudo que o filho quer. É ensina-lo o que é certo e errado. Deveria tbm comprar pijamas para dormir. Mais higiênico.

  5. Why does Tayeba go to such lenghts to appease Hamid. It is really hard to watch when this happens. She is actually doi g him a disservice by doing this, because when he gets older, he will be shocked when someone says no.

  6. The last person she should tell to go care for the baby is Hamid. I honestly don't get it. She needs to put the tools down, and take care of the babies needs. Not Hamid. It would only take a second for something bad to happen that doesnt need to.

  7. I think Hamid needs to be disciplined, he is very spoiled and she gives into him too much. He should Not be left alone with the baby…. perhaps you should get help…. its too much for just you alone


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