Unreleased: Lenny Breau Improvises a Jazz Flamenco Fantasia: Toronto 1981

After leaving Canada five years earlier, Lenny Breau returned to Toronto in 1981 to play an extended booking at the Bourbon Street jazz club. Typically he would play a set with a trio or bassist preceded by an acoustic set on his Dauphin seven string classical guitar.

The recording presented here is taken from one of those acoustic sets, date unknown. The improvised piece comprises elements of flamenco, jazz and classical and includes several of Lenny’s signature techniques. Lenny did not announce the ten minute plus piece and it has no formal title.

1. Jazz Flamenco Fantasia


17 thoughts on “Unreleased: Lenny Breau Improvises a Jazz Flamenco Fantasia: Toronto 1981”

  1. I was fortunate to see Lenny at Bourbon Street (even shook his hand!). Such a sweet, gentle soul. Then hearing of his brutal murder a few years later was just shocking – I still can't make sense of it.


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