Unprofessional Tyrant with Unbridled Power Shows Up to Work

Original channel https://youtube.com/user/blazerbagged1988

Original video https://youtu.be/UJnNTo94zeA


24 thoughts on “Unprofessional Tyrant with Unbridled Power Shows Up to Work”

  1. That unhelpful badly tempered and uneducated female sergeant made good use of her chin protector during this encounter.

    I was going to say that she should be ashamed of herself for the very bad image she's giving of public service, but I quickly realised that this sort of power-tripping beings don't know what shame is.

  2. "…build this country back the way it is supposed to be…" The key word here that makes you wrong is the word "back".

    It shows you believe in a mythical Golden Age when people were really free. What do you think would have happened if these people had tried this ten, twenty-five, fifty, one hundred, or two hundred years ago? Do you really think it would have been different/better?

    If so, you are totally wrong.

  3. Back the way it's supposed to be? Which back era was the way it's supposed to be? When it was founded? Only white men who owned land had any rights. Back 20, 50, 70 years ago? When there were worse civil rights violated? Women couldn't even have a bank account or credit card in their name in the 70s without a husband or father to sign for them. I truly hope you didn't mean to say "back", because really, the people have never had their constitutional rights more than now. I could tell you many stories of what cops did in the 80s that would make what most videos show now seem mild.

  4. We should be able to record while doing a public record request. She was about to lose her mind 'why won't these people listen to me' lol well maybe after that somebody 'splain it to her so she can respect citizens better next time


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