Unleashing a Stealth Bomber on Random Soldiers in the Desert

As more than 90 Islamic State terrorists stationed at a Libyan training camp some 30 miles off the coastal city of Sirte were doing their business as usual, the sky looked clear. Or so they thought.
The militants did not know it yet, but an American spy plane was watching from above.
As they left the concealment of their barracks and moved to an open space carrying their rifles, mortars, and other weaponry, they realized something was wrong. A dozen explosions soon hit the base, but it was too late to react.
The ISIS camp was being attacked by America’s most lethal aircraft: the B2 Stealth Bomber. And only three of them were enough to create complete mayhem…

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37 thoughts on “Unleashing a Stealth Bomber on Random Soldiers in the Desert”

  1. Back when we used to bomb African countries just for talking about selling their oil in currency other than USD. Now dropping the USD is the cool thing to do and the US isn't bombing anyone. What changed?

  2. Democrats care about diversity and inclusion sooooo much they would bomb a whole African country full of minorities just for trying to adopt their own currency outside the "liberal world order"

  3. Everything this narrator just said is the complete opposite, the US and the United Nations has been causing havoc and destruction in all these countries around the world for years. It's time US the US citizens realize that and take back our government and quit allowing them to give us a bad name around the world

  4. I've been to Whiteman Air Force Base before….. Don't try to take pictures of the flight line unless you want to get taken down by the Security Police and questioned for hours on end…. That was a dumb mistake I made that day 🤣

  5. Sick we basically spent 10mill against terrorist in rags and old ak’s. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Really shows Americas true colors, and ofcourse who profits from this? The military industrial complex.

  6. It's not enough that they bombed the terrorists into oblivion but, they also rubbed their noses in it by doing so while eating some nice, fresh popcorn made in the plane's own microwave 😉


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