Universe-Breaking Galaxies // Source of Dark Energy // Mars Anniversary

Perseverance has been on Mars for two years, are black holes the source of dark energy?, Universe-breaking galaxies found, and an early warning system for asteroids.

⚫ Breakthrough In Dark Energy? Here’s What The Researchers Have To Say:

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00:00 Intro
00:15 Mars Anniversary
03:42 Too Big Too Early
05:51Source of Dark Energy
08:20 Moon’s permanently shadowed craters
09:50 Lunar Flashlight problems
10:40 Support Us on Patreon
11:34 Europe’s Early Warning System for Asteroids
13:20 500-meter long asteroid
15:08 Mercury Transit from Solar Orbiter
15:56 Outro

Host: Fraser Cain
Producer: Anton Pozdnyakov
Editing: Artem Pozdnyakov

Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads.
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33 thoughts on “Universe-Breaking Galaxies // Source of Dark Energy // Mars Anniversary”

  1. There's very similar stories of Super Massive Black Holes forming very early in Universe. They say SMBHs — or large galaxies — can form if their ingredients monolithically contract without heating the H atoms, preventing clumping & fragmentation.

  2. We invented JWST to confirm things we already know (known knows), things that were hinted at and now confirmed (known unknowns) but most of all we WANT it to throw WTF's at us (unknown unknowns). Am I right, Fraser old chap?

  3. Some scientists have pointed out that the interpretation of red shift as recessional velocity may be flawed. If this is the case, the predicted optical illusion of early galaxy sizes will not be observed ( it has not by JWST) and we should observed spiral galaxies as far as our instruments can see ( this is what we see). So, maybe instead of an expanding Universe we live in a Steady State one. This results can not be ignored and you have to ask yourself: did the observation validate or falsify our model? Science is not a religion. It may be time to accept that.

  4. If one assumes that everything came from one spot, then your right. But where in nature is there one of anything?, was there only one uranium atom on the earth? Is there only one gold atom? How about protons? Only one?. Why assume there was only one singularity floating around with the potential to create a universes worth of matter??. That is called bad science.

  5. What if matter just displaces space and forces space to push out in all directions? Sort of goes hand in hand with MOND. I am not a scientist and I am sure it’s not that simple, but it’s fun to think up theories.

  6. I love this channel and listen to it a lot at work . I understand the logic of "if it's interesting, it's probably not true."
    But I feel a lot of what science has discovered. Sometimes, something so unexpected that has the potential to change everything should be met, with equal feelings of the real possibility of it being true . Regardless of the consequences of that . bias is, unfortunately, a real thing to worry about for established professors and researchers being funded. The real possibility that everything we have ever discovered could be re-written is on the table . And that should be encouraging and fascinating!

  7. AI could be very useful in checking peoples mental health. Weeding out the potential risks of Hitler like extremists. Especially useful in educating young people to be good citizens rather than blood thirsty extremists like Hitler or now Putin. Hitler was put in jail for a while but this did nothing to cure him.

  8. Fraser, you do a lot of great stuff, but poo-pooing scientists skeptical of the Big Bang? Well, I'd sit on the wall for a while if I were you.
    The JWT deep field images July '22 show fully formed spiral galaxies containing 2nd generation stars, billions of years old, existing a mere 180 million light years from a supposed big bang. The obvious question one has to ask is:

    How does nature create billion year old stars in 180 million years?

    One can no more 'tweak' the observations to fit the Big Bang theory any more than the geocentric model with Earth in the center of our solar system could be ‘tweaked’ to fit the heliocentric model with the Sun in the center.

  9. It seems as though galaxies were fully formed almost from the beginning, which might imply they were created that way by a designer. And since that concept is not interesting, it is actually likely to be true, according to your quote.

  10. Hmmm…sounds like a whole house of cards, one ad hoc hypothesis after another falling apart with these dark energy black holes and universe breaking galaxies. Perhaps we need to revisit Fred Hoyle's Steady-State Universe? That many more stars than there should've been? Maybe they've been coming into existence this whole time. Dark energy, once there's enough of it, should cause matter to come into existence, hence the steady state. I mean, the Big Bang theory is very interesting, therefore unlikely to be true? Hoyle's Steady State is looking more sensible and less interesting all the time 😉

  11. Question on the dark energy/black hole correlation : With regard to sample galaxies, the Milky Way and Andromeda are of a very similar mass, yet Andromeda's central black hole is 25 times the size of ours. How would one account for this when estimating their growth?

  12. Why would we expect the space beyond our VISIBLE sphere be structured any differently from what we can observe now? And that there may be no limit to the structure. But I assume our sphere was caused by two black holes colliding. And there could be other similar collisions way beyond our sensors that may eventually reach us as blue galaxies approaching us. It remains a fun mystery to pursue. We will probably annihilate ourselves well before we see such an event – discovering encroaching structures.

  13. QUESTION: ❓ Apparently some satellites are in geostationary orbit and others are in geosynchronous orbit.  Because I do not play Kerbal space, I don't really understand the difference between these two. Can you give an example of each and explain their different purposes? Is one harder to achieve? ❓


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