UNITED FRONT – Yakuza 4 Remastered – 25

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In today’s episode of our Let’s Play, walkthrough, and playthrough of Yakuza 4 Remastered, Kiryu and friends prepare for the final battle by helping Date look after a baby, and by beating down every last gangster in Kamurocho!

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GAME: Yakuza 4 Remastered

Yakuza 4 takes place one year after the events of Yakuza 3. Like the original game, most of the action takes place in Kamurocho. Three locations have been added since Yakuza 3: a rooftop area stretching across a large portion of the town, the back streets of Kamurocho and a third area known as the underground, which includes the city’s sewers, parking lot and shopping arcades).

#yakuza4 #yakuza4remastered #kiryu


25 thoughts on “UNITED FRONT – Yakuza 4 Remastered – 25”

  1. Kiryu: Checks the baby's diaper to see if it's dirty

    Baby: Unleashes a highly pressured stream of piss all over Kiryu's face

    Kiryu: "……"

    Date: "Uh, Kiryu…"

    Kiryu: Takes a deep breath

    Kiryu: "TIGER DROP!!!"

  2. Coming soon to the internet near you: Like a Dragon – 5 and a half men.

    The kooky sitcom of five bachelors stuck in the underbelly of Kamurocho while teaching their orphaned child valuable life lessons. Here's a highlight from the first season, sure to warm your heart and BUILD THE HEAT:

    Date: But Kiryu I have no idea what to feed a baby! Tried milk and he just puked all over my bar!
    Saejima: Or maybe it was because you shoved him at me to feed him. Look at me- mirrors break preemptively before I can cast a reflection! That's how fierce I am!
    Tanimura: Is that why there's a APB for a vandal in the rich parts of Kamuruocho? Thirty displays shattered in less than a minute.
    Akiyama: Pretty sure Kiryu was walking around that part of town a little while ago. You know how he is with bikes, and the faces of upstart punks.
    Kiryu: Look, I got into some brawls to get baby-food. Here: presents a bouquet of 10,000 yen bills.
    The four men, and baby, look at Kiryu with distressed gazes.

    Date: … Kiryu this isn't the 80s anymore. The paper money diet didn't work then and it doesn't work now!
    Kiryu: That's what a BLENDER is for!

  3. Foreign Lady: But I don't have a visa, and-
    Kiryu: Wait, I've seen this one before, I know exactly what you need. A fresh piping hot pizza from Pizza-La! Let's go guys!

  4. Man, the person that made that cyborg jingu comment must be extra happy to see you still laughting about it. Lmao
    Really cool to see you having fun not only with the game, but also with the great comments your viewers leave.

  5. I think maybe part of the reason the Arai reveal didn't register was that it might have mixed in Nico's mind with the Sugiuchi reveal. Sugiuchi was secretly yakuza in the police force. Arai was secretly police in the yakuza. It might have accidentally pinged as 'wait, I already know this information' or oh, yet ANOTHER betrayal.
    Anyway, I'm glad you've gotten enjoyment out of Yakuza 4 Nico! Hopefully others will also point you to the theme song of the game "For Faith" and its variations. It's got somewhat goofy Engrish lyrics but I really do feel it carries the core ethos of the Kiryu saga. The root of evil is selfishness. No matter what, your suffering is not a license to create more suffering. Unless you're Kiryu, in which case his beating you halfway to death might make you a better person somehow!

  6. Hate me or despise me but in 29:42 the shape they all make it looks like a swastika which symbolises "divinity and spirituality"
    Imo, it kinda fits the vibe this scene is but the way they are all twisted a bit to the side it reminds me more of a "German version"

  7. My thoughts

    As it went over your head Nico, Arai being a cop posing as a yakuza is something i like as it contrasts with Suiguichi being a yakuza posing as a cop.
    Both grew to dislike having to follow orders and not actual leading real lives just made up ones more or less.

    Suiguichi wasn't strong enough to challenge it and break free leading to him to being depressed as hell.

    As for Arai, he is logical to a fault and more or less emotionless, But we see flickers.
    He didn't kill Kido because he couldn't bring himself to do it and left the money because it's akiyama's. Kido and Kamiyama are closest thing he has to a friends in the world.
    His interactions with Akiyama are genuine as well i feel as they both follow their own brand of what is right with the tools before them.
    Akiyama wasn't 100% right but wasn't 100% wrong with how he read Arai.

    Do you blame him? Arai doesn't show ANYTHING. To get as much as he did is still an impressive example of Akiyama reading people.

  8. This chapter have the best example of incredible level of stupidity when it comes to the thugs in these games. 😀
    You would think that the criminals of a city would at least have some basic knowledge of what amounts to a celebrity of the underworld, or at least enough street smarts to realise when they are faced with someone out of their league. But nope!

    Even the CIVILLIANS in Kamurocho knows an OP Yakuza bad-ass when they see one. They take one look at Kiryu and make a split second decision to throw their conscience aside to tell him anything he wants to know because they know he could kill them with a flick of his finger.

    But the people who, by all accounts, should know, or at least get a feel of what he's capable of? They think they can beat him. 😀

    Or they think that their one-liners will render him unconscious or dead like the Monty Python joke before finding out that they aren't hillarious enough in the most painful way possible. Yea, I think I like that possibility the most.

  9. The Florist's son, Takashi was dating Kyoka, the daughter of a Yakuza boss. So she's unrelated to Date and you haven't met her here
    The reason you mixed them up is probably because they were in the same chapter in 1.
    Then again you ran into Takashi and Kyoka in 2.

  10. A Yakuza critique part 24

    We're pretty close to the finale, I like that comment of the day because it sums up what I think, funny thing is that Nico thinks that there a great moments but sadly once you really open your eyes even those don't mean anything, nothing really works in this game's story and the best way to show this is the scene with Arai.

    Arai being a cop is fine-ish, the problem is that there isn't really much of any well… reason and information on the matter, like there's a reason in movies being a cop and infiltrating a criminal organization tends to be hard and very risky but Arai being a mole is treated like it's not a big deal, it0s just another twist that just kinda happens. Funny how Manukata cares that Arai spared Kido (not even sure why he shot him but let's not repeat ourselves) but doesn't realize that Katsuragi was also spared because he couldn't be bother to even check that he died lmao, he got lucky that Yasuko just so happened to finish the job. Munakata also brings uo the very good point of him not bringing the money back, this might no seem like an issue but believe me considering the finale this is definitely a big issue lol

    And then Arai killa Munakta because even him is sick of his stuff, now there's a lot I could bring up right now but i'm gonna leave it to the finale, you know how it is, the one obvious thing that I can mention is the fact that he leaves a dead body in a police department lol, not exactly the brightest bulb this Arai.

  11. 52:04
    We see you have not reset the game
    Congratulations, you have unlocked the following trophy
    'Failed Akiyama's test'
    99.999999999999999999999999999999999% of players have this trophy

  12. What are the top 3 yakuza games ?
    I can see 0 being 1 that seems likely
    yakuza 2 is in there and then what 1 5 or 6?
    or am I completely off base here?
    I mean I know what happens essentially in 6 and know who's in 5 but do those compare to this?

  13. And thus Fuck-Face has become a new antagonist in Like A Dragon 8 who is going to make all kinds of conspiracy ultimate plans in order to seek revenge to Akiyama and his friends for his tragic past and his identity. Thanks Nico for making Like A Dragon 8 happen!

  14. Another thing that makes Part 4 of the game forced was how Hamazaki was all “You have to save the Tojo Clan!” when it was never established beforehand that Hamazaki even cared about the Tojo Clan at all, both in this game and the last game. The last game, Hamazaki was just an opportunistic greedy jerk who wanted money and power, even partnering up with the Snake Flower Triad for control of Yokohama and was the one really pushing for the Okinawa Resort Deal after Daigo fell into his coma. Even in this game, he started off manipulating and using Saejima for the jailbreak even if he did ultimately have a change of heart. So Hamazaki telling Kiryu “The Clan we spent our whole lives propping up will disappear” and his dying words being “Save the Tojo Clan from the cops” has no weight to it, and is only there for the sake of giving motivation to Kiryu, who always has the motivation to save the Tojo Clan to the point where he’s basically the damn maid, and Saejima, who, while he did care about his Yakuza Family, wasn’t really established to care about the Tojo Clan as a whole and now seemingly does because of Hamazaki’s dying words and Kiryu’s speech about how their lives don’t belong to just themselves so mustn’t run away which also falls flat because Kiryu has never run away from helping people.
    tl;dr: Hamazaki was not established to care about the Tojo Clan’s continued existence before Part 4 of this game and seems to just have it to die and give motivation save the Tojo Clam to Kiryu (who doesn’t need the motivation) and Saejima (which doesn’t really seem to naturally mesh well with his established motivations and character).


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