Unimaginable! #palestine #israel #usa #politics #politicalnews #gaza #rafah #humanity #india #uk


47 thoughts on “Unimaginable! #palestine #israel #usa #politics #politicalnews #gaza #rafah #humanity #india #uk”

  1. They block the right to money for the purpose of genocide. They tell us we are worthless after selling our children as slaves. The system is genocidal and relentless but God will overcome child torture, child slavery and hate crimes based in our race alone. In Jesus Christ‘s name I End it!!!

  2. It is heartbreaking to see people so broken they can still pretend collective punishment, a literal war crime, against Children is somehow acceptable for the actions of Hamas who was last elected in 2006 (by less than 45% of Gazans who were old enough to vote then [and also not kidnapped and held captive by Israeli soldiers, as many as half a million were during that election]. Hamas was Never elected by Palestinians in the West Bank, where Rafah is, at all.)
    It is not just heartbreaking to see such incredibly inhuman apathy of a handful of pariahs reflected in the deaths of 15,000 children from their own species (any nazisms on "vermin" they may have chosen to internalize aside) but also to see them willingly permanently archive such blatant, undeniable evidence of their own biologically unnatural lack of any and all human survival instincts along with proof of their own profound lack of basic human decency, and in an age where "online anonymity" is a flimsy delusion that only the profoundly out of touch and ignorant still believe is possible. Knowing it will follow them forever and soon be as easy to look up as a movie listing, they're willing to display more concern for a few thousand terrorists than they display for the over 1 Million Innocent Human Children who have been identified by the most credible organizations on planet Earth as in danger of death from bombing and starvation due to Israel's actions. To archive themselves as such broken, hate-filled, pro-child-slaughter monsters out of blood lust for a Rebellion against 75 years of violent apartheid and dozens of massacres inflicted on Palestinians by Israelis in that 75 years (and that's just the massacres Israel admits to), and on purpose too- Israel is incredibly tech-savvy, zionists have published quite a lot of research on manipulating social media so they probably were among the first to know online-anonymity isn't real.
    What a burden to label themselves as so below the lowest acceptable level of human decency, and on a permanently archived forum, even "anonymously". To permanently digitally brand themselves as equally trustworthy as any other person who openly labels themselves pro-human-child-slaughter. Their buyer's remorse, when it arrives, will be richly deserved. Pro-apartheid South Africans thought they had trouble but they know nothing of sanctions and bankruptcy and hemorrhaging wealth compared to what those who rely on Israel's economy in any way are already learning or will soon learn. Even if Israel stops their violence tomorrow, it will still make what those who supported it went through at the end of South African apartheid look like a cake walk.

  3. People don’t have to be a Muslim or a Palestinian to understand how traumatising, painful, heartbreaking, cruel and miserable this is😫😫😡😡😡😡😡

    Not just Allah, may all the gods in any religion please help and heal all my fellow suffering Palestinians🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


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