Unhinged Public Servant Has A MELTDOWN Over Journalist With A Camera! When Will They Learn?

Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, I was peacefully exercising my constitutional rights at the Kent County Administration building in Dover Delaware when I was confronted by one of the most unhinged public servants yet! She went 0-100 so fast, she thought she was intimidating us but in the end it didn’t work out the way she thought…Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Please be sure to hit the like button and share! it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Personnel Director Allan Kujala

+1 (302)-744-2311

[email protected]

Michael J. Petit de Mange, AICP
County Administrator
(302) 744 – 2305
Email: [email protected]

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The Body Camera I use & Recommend:


Protect yourself and your family with a Dashboard Camera, I highly recommend:


Disclaimer :
Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke,
incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.


20 thoughts on “Unhinged Public Servant Has A MELTDOWN Over Journalist With A Camera! When Will They Learn?”

  1. That's the same Dam way Out People gotta say to others Get out of my Face ! Such as homeless beggar panhandlers and bumbs that always gets closer to Us and give a hard time

  2. im not Good at all with a saw'd off bad attituded female giving me ultimatum's if im not on payroll,,,Especially when followed by NOW,,,,,these entitled females need to know who and how to talk to Men,,,thats why some catch an attitude adjustment and Wonder where the hell it came from

  3. the Sheer impotence of her position and yet she was trying to be the "Cock of the Walk" and act like she was the end All be All of power in that office,,,,,where did she buy her delusion-mustve been the same place she got her 2cent ego trip,,,,i pray as someone that does deal with the public shes fired like lastYears 4th of july fireworks

  4. Hey Sean. My favorite audit is where you filmed a Harford County Sheriff traffic stop. You almost got arrested. You were so scared you cried and crapped your pants. You ended up licking their boots by issuing an apology and performing community service. How did that boot leather taste, pussy?? Enquiring minds want to know?

  5. 6:31 quite funny a sign in the bottom right stating "bullying is never ok" and then having that short female tyrant running around bullying the public. Maybe the HR director needs to talk to her about language. The last time i checked "he better get that camera out of my face" was always followed by a threat like "or I'm goin to fcuk him up" or "call the police to try get him shot" threats are bullying so what is Mr HR dictator going to do with the bullying of the public?


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