UNHINGED MAN Dumps MILK All Over Himself In Viral Video, SOCIAL MEDIA PSYCHOSIS Getting Worse

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UNHINGED MAN Dumps MILK All Over Himself In Viral Video, SOCIAL MEDIA PSYCHOSIS Getting Worse


34 thoughts on “UNHINGED MAN Dumps MILK All Over Himself In Viral Video, SOCIAL MEDIA PSYCHOSIS Getting Worse”

  1. I used to own a cafe that my husband insisted we open, and after a few years my physical and mental health deteriorated. We would work all day and go to Costco frequently to resupply. Once, when I was unloading supplies to bring in, I grabbed a gallon of milk and threw it high into the air. It hit the pavement and made a huge splash. I called it a milk bomb. I felt so much better after the milk bomb. I felt a little guilty about the waste (my dad was a dairy farmer) but my pressure valve was released.

  2. None of it should be banned. It should be shamed. Part of the reason we have the problems we have is because we hide reality and donโ€™t shame stupidity.

  3. I've been trying to pinpoint when we started to celebrate mental illness but there's no big 9/11 moment to point to. I think it started slowly, like when we thought it was funny when the guy with "Soy Bomb" written on his chest managed to get onstage with Bob Dylan and danced around. Then the Oprah's of television started spotlighting people with various disorders and praising them for having the courage to talk about it. That began the rewarding process.

    But the internet turned it into something else. Giving people a bigger audience both exacerbated the already crazy and encouraged those on the fence. And it correlates with our overall loss of respect for others in public. Add in our narcissistic obsession with self combined with monetization and you get animals writhing on milk covered floors of grocery stores for views.

    The other day I was behind a woman whose car had her name on the license plate and the back window was covered with Prince stickers and a large sign that said "It's good to be me." I wanted to follow her around all day and just see the life of a person like that, the center of her own attention. But I had a job to get to.

  4. They should all be banned. They are destroying property and disrupting the store not to mention it could cause conflict between these idiots and employees or patrons

  5. Parents are the first issue, respect for others and others property starts at home. But kids are being taught they are the most important people on earth but also victims because they will never get the treatment they deserve. Parents have also allowed their children to be raised by social media to where this is all normal. The parents even participate. The ice bucket challenge was so cringe. The fact that people think that the world needs another video of someone spilling a bucket of ice water on them just because it's them is cringe. Reposting others content while just pointing at it and making reaction faces is cringe and desperate. If you want the info to get out just repost the original not a split screen, you are just attention seeking

  6. "Humans strive for attention"…. lol not me. I'm fine with nobody Knowing me, i don't even use social media. The only thing i do on the internet is watch YouTube videos. This need to be noticed even to the point of making a jack a** of yourself never appealed to me, not even being a celebrity. The only thing i like from that sort of fame is the money, as for my face being everywhere and being stalked by weirdos idolizing me, that sounds like a personal hell.

  7. Itโ€™s amazing watching people you went to school with in a agricultural small town try to become influencers. The bug really get ahold of people, not to mention older generation on social media.


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