UNDISPUTED | Shannon make predictions for NBA Finals in Game 1: Butler & Heat vs. Jokic & Nuggets

UNDISPUTED | Shannon make predictions for NBA Finals in Game 1: Butler & Heat vs. Jokic & Nuggets


30 thoughts on “UNDISPUTED | Shannon make predictions for NBA Finals in Game 1: Butler & Heat vs. Jokic & Nuggets”

  1. A moment to ponder πŸ€”!.The Heat needs to start eating lots of okra and anchovies pies ASAP if they expect to win at least 3 games out of 7, the Nuggets are quite crispy right now and they love to munch on fried hog snouts and that is going to be the deciding factor!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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