UNDISPUTED | "Boston will complete unprecedented 3-0 comeback" – Eddie House on Celtic's Game 5 win

UNDISPUTED | “Boston will complete unprecedented 3-0 comeback” – Eddie House on Celtic’s Game 5 win


49 thoughts on “UNDISPUTED | "Boston will complete unprecedented 3-0 comeback" – Eddie House on Celtic's Game 5 win”

  1. Eddie got a point with this Gabe Vincent stuff. Yeah, okay, out of nowhere. We'll see tomorrow. Eddie's take makes the logical sense. The more talented roster playing harder, wins.

  2. Celtics, finally did the right way on how to guard Jimmy. That is to make it difficult for him to touch the ball. blocking him to receive the ball. Help on defender on Bam is a bit quicker than the 1st 3 games. Celtics might pull off the first time. There is always a first time.

  3. I want yall to keep that same energy after the heat spabk celtics in game 6. Tatum is the biggest choker ever. They are the most inconsistent team. Do yall remember how golden state whipped they butt? Didnt they win 2 games then too and look in control and completely got smacked giving curry an easy one. Shit was ridiculuous but yall keep wanting to ride this celtic wave. Miami and nuggets the best teams kn the league no question. Celtics got more talent but heat got all the intangibles that win you games and jimmy butler is the best player on both teams without a doubt tatum not on jimmy level and martin make layups as pretty and difficult as kyrie. Caleb martin is nice af. That dude will be a star soon. And yall keep underestinating bam. Bam better than horford and williams on the celtics. Celtics deeper cuz of our injuries and love and martin didnt play the last game to help us offensively. Yall just wait til tomorrow. The heat just wanted to give celtics false hope and give them game 5 so they could go back home and close it out on their floor then the whole media will be quiet and switch the narrative to talking about how great jimmy and the heat are. Just watch. The media always set you up to get hoodwinked

  4. In past Celtics’ glory days during the playoffs, some bench players would always step up to give their team a boost. Time for Sam and Luke and Muscala to ‘steal the ball’.

  5. I believe the Celtics àre winning several games in this series after them winning tonight i definitely want the Celtics to win a coupe of games through showing they want it more jimmy we supposed to close it out since he failed he should definitely suffer.


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