UNBELIEVABLE Changes Ahead: Humanity's Great Shift EXPLAINED! Everything WILL CHANGE! | Mary Reed

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Books by Mary Reed
👉 https://amzn.to/3Zc6pLJ

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Mary Reed was a staunchly agnostic healthcare executive living in Washington, DC when she began venturing uncontrollably into mystical experiences in the company of Jesus, Buddha and angels. She finally surrendered her “normal” life and spent several years in a tiny nunnery in the Himalayas coming to terms with her unexpected abilities.

Her profound experiences are both a road map and an invitation into the Divine wisdom we all hold within. Mary’s work is a palpable transmission of Divine Love as evidenced in her three books — Unwitting Mystic: Evolution of the Message of Love, Divine New Being: A Sublime Guided Passage to the End of Hell, and Humanity’s Epic Awakening: A Mystical Odyssey Beyond Belief.

Please enjoy my conversation with Mary Reed.

0:00 – Episode Teaser
0:47 – Life prior to her spiritual awakening
8:03 – Spiritual Awakenings
12:56 – Mary’s mystical experiences
20:11 – View of humanity’s evolution
30:16 – The idea of contrast
32:56 – The concept of multiverse
38:34 – How can we make global change?
46:50 – The shift of consciousness
49:42 – What are we here to learn?
56:33 – What is the biggest challenge humanity is facing now?
57:56 – Living a fulfilled life
58:42 – Advice to young Mary
59:03 – Definition of God
1:00:00 – Ultimate purpose of life
1:00:28 – Mary’s work
1:00:45 – Final Message

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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.

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39 thoughts on “UNBELIEVABLE Changes Ahead: Humanity's Great Shift EXPLAINED! Everything WILL CHANGE! | Mary Reed”

  1. The original spirit flame that we are created is the only one that will come back to GOD source,
    humanity will be extinct. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD. (1 Cor 15:50)

  2. Mary had me spell-bound. She answered lingering questions with clarity, gentleness and uncomplicatedness that instills the desire, courage and strength to apply. Thank you both. Much love.

  3. Thanks for another interesting interview Alex 🙏 It would’ve been great to hear more about her profound mystical experiences. I’m sure she shares about them in her books. It just would’ve been great if she could’ve shared more in this interview.

  4. Omg. You said what I’ve been feeling and experiencing. I can not be the project manager. I don’t understand how and why my awakening path has to be full of obstacles, pain, and even worse suffering.

    Yes it sucks. I always question why I’m here. Spaceship dropped me off here by mistake.

    I’ve never felt like I belong here in this realm. I find it complex.

  5. I don't understand why she isn't explaining who the others are ? She's holding back. Does she know the people in the world ? Does she know the people in America ? Or is she just talking about her her people ?

  6. Thank YOU so much. I have been feeling so very alone on this journey. My soul has been craving community and now I’ve found it!!! It is so beautiful to know that there are so many of us finding the love within!!!! ❤❤❤ I have to admit, I was really doubting anyone else actually cared about love but here you are-sharing stories of so many who love!!!!

  7. Друзья, изучите проект Созидательное Общество! Нам срочно нужен этот проект, чтобы у каждого была возможность решать за свою жизнь, жить в безопасности, здоровее и счастливее. Календарь мая отсчитывал время до начало процесса изменений климата планеты, о которых рассказали ученые на форуме "Глобальный кризис. Выход есть". В запасе осталось несколько лет. Изучите проект объективно, для его реализации необходим вклад каждого, присоединяйтесь к информированию!


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