ULTIMATE Lost Ark card guide, how to get card packs, legendary cards, card xp, awakenings, and more

This lost ark card guide will show you how to get cards, and how to build Lost Ark card decks, how to enhance cards.

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Other Lost Ark videos:
Ultimate leveling guide: https://youtu.be/C3qwsLm-SZ8
How to add HP bar below name: https://youtu.be/SURwKpgXcpM
How long AFK timer is: https://youtu.be/aMWUaN-awKQ

If you were wondering how to get cards in Lost Ark. There are so many features to this system. There are Lost Ark Card books, equipping lost ark cards, and enhancing card, and collecting Lost Ark cards. This is a Lost Ark roster feature so it’s cross character. If you want to farm Lost Ark cards you can do that by making and deleting new characters.

You can also buy lost ark cards from the store. There are lots of ways to get new Lost Ark cards and ways you can get convert the cards into lost ark enhancement points in your lost ark card catalog. I also explain about Lost ark awakening levels on cards and how Lost Ark card set bonuses work. It’s also important to understand how to get fast lost ark cards.

Hopefully this Lost Ark guide helps you better understand how to use cards in Lost Ark. I gave a ton of Lost Ark tips and tricks that help you better understand the Lost Ark card system.


34 thoughts on “ULTIMATE Lost Ark card guide, how to get card packs, legendary cards, card xp, awakenings, and more”

  1. I messed up, I cleared a dungeon which gave me 2 cards and I used both. I'm guessing you only get cards from that boss on 1st clear. Is there a way to get it again? Because when it opens the chest I didn't get any drops.

  2. The no spaces name rule is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. You can't even name a card deck with a space?! Not to mention your character name which reduces the number of unique names ten fold. Don't even get me started on the no capital letter, numbers or special characters not being allowed either.

  3. Awesome vid, man…Thanks! I heard/saw mention of issues with duplicate cards and having to destroy all of them (vs. splitting and destroying one). You can split them before you use them and apply them to your collection. That way you can add one in your collection and have one in your inventory to spare. Of course, that will start to eat away inventory space as you gain duplicate cards LOL. Anyway, I’m sure this is probably obvious to everybody but thought I would mention it just in case. Have fun and stay safe!

  4. there was a achievement to delete characters, so i do think that creating characters and deleting them to grind something is apart of the full 100% clear everything in game

  5. one video says the bonuses are significant, another says they are irrelevant, really hard to get an idea for how much it matters with how each youtube has a different take on it and says it like theirs is fact and not opinion.

  6. I didn't buy a duplicate card but I didn't understand when you used the cards that gave xp, so when you use those they go into enhancement points pool to use for enhancing your cards

  7. Man I think your explanation on deletion of card for experience is totally wrong. Please review it urgently. People might be ruining things real bad by following your advice on that here. P.S. I am no expert on Cards in Lost Ark, I am just saying it because after watching your guide I took a look at other guides, and they have a completely different explanation that goes against deleting cards.

  8. there is actually solution for the duplicated card but in order to do it you have to get new one of this card
    the solution is if someone get card that he already own , just delete the one you have in card catalog then put the new one you have in inventory so you get XP without actually losing the card
    ( btw don't delete card you already leveled ) that is another story unless it gives same amount of xp that you leveled card with

  9. Can you just stop spreading your bullshit without actually knowing the mechanics please? I get it you need content but please understand the whole system totally before making a video about it. Watch EnKran's Lost Ark – Beginner Card Guide video about cards if you want to know everything that's necessary without telling you to delete cards like wtf ..

  10. Ah shit… I've been just right clicking the duplicates thinking that they would give me card xp since I already had a copy in my card catalog… If I understand what you've said correctly I've been just adding cards to my catalog over and over again and not getting card xp from them right?

  11. Why would you delete a card?
    This makes zero sense to me.
    Even after cards are fully awakened, learning the cards gives card xp used to awakened more cards.
    Deleting a card at all is dumb af.


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