ULTIMATE Lightsaber Duelists Tier List | Star Wars Explained

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26 thoughts on “ULTIMATE Lightsaber Duelists Tier List | Star Wars Explained”

  1. Woke Dysney nerfed Vader. We never truly got to see his unmatched skill against any opponent. The Only battle we’ve ever seen on screen with Vader being badass post-Ep 3 was against Obi-Wan in the “Kenobi”.

  2. Luke is certainly one of the Greatest of all time. He became the Greatest Jedi Master ever. He found a perfect balance within to harness all of the force. The Chosen One legacy continued in Luke, and became manifested in one of THE most Powerful force users to have ever existed.

  3. Pretty happy with this list, exceptin your own words you at least rated Starkiller far, FAR up there in terms of dueling, at least the equal of Vader 😀

    Still, you did say this was on saber skill alone, and Starkiller could seamlessly mix brutal force attacks with sword strikes.

    I still say I loved the books very much, EXCEPT the inanity of the authors getting Vader to bring back to Kamino, essentially a walking nuclear bomb in Marek, who destroyed the clone centre essentially in full. Vader was a master tactician and strategist, and they could have done better.

  4. Totally agree with Grand Master Luke at the top. He ended up being the ultimate force user that ever lived. Not very familiar with the sith guy you put with him so can't say anything about that. There is no doubt that Mace Windu should have been in the same tier as Yoda and above Sidious. After all Mace beat Sidious fair and square as Mr. Lucas said himself. Sidious didn't throw the fight. Mace was to powerful for Sidious to play around with. After Mace disarmed him, Sidious wasn't a man scrambling away like he was playing a game. He scrambled away like a man who was infear of losing his life. To think otherwise is someone with an evil heart and who thinks evil should win over good. Ex Ar Kun would get destroyed by Mace cause he is the perfect person to fight using Vaapad. I think Obi Wan should be higher too. Look his kill record. Maul, General dickhead, Anakin, I mean come on. He didn't kill Anakin but there is no doubt he beat him and beat him good. Although we never really got to see Plo Kloom use his lightsaber, according to everything, he was suppose to be one of the best so he should have been higher as well. How come Darth Maul wasn't anywhere in the list? Surely at least tier 5. I don't know about putting Cade Skywalker above so many others. He stopped training when he was a young teenager. Sure he beat Krayt but you have many who beat another in lower tiers then the one they defeated so that shouldn't make a difference.

  5. I think by being THE all time best at one of the forms of lightsaber combat in itself is enough to place you above Tier 5. You could suck at all other forms, but if you are single handily the best to ever exist at one of the forms, you're bare minimum tier 3

    and as per usual, Windu is under rated and Luke is overrated.

  6. There is obviously a tier 0 which is above all others and the single most legendary duelists stands upon it's sands which is dun dun duuuuuuuuuun high ground obi wan Kenobi duh also nah the boi is seriously at least tier 2 who fuck knows what this boi was smoking

  7. I think you are low balling ulic qel droma too much he able to handle himself against a jedi master level sylva who was going all out against him, she even moved faster than nomir sunrender through, ulic also didn't have the force, he had Skywalker like force potential and skills he got a massive permanent power amp by the dark reaper marka ragnos baptize and 4 years of training with exar kun

  8. The disrespect to have Obi Wan in tier 5. My man beat Darth Maul when he was still a padawan, then dunked on grevious and knightfall anakin and smoked vader later on. L take from TSW.


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