Ukraine’s Strategy to Weaken Russia’s Military, Logistics in Crimea | WSJ

As Ukraine continues its push to retake territory, Russia’s annexed Crimea presents a major threat for its role as a logistics hub and a heavily militarized base. Crimea is critical for Moscow’s operations in Ukraine as it serves as a supply hub for Russian forces resisting Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Sevastopol is also the home of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, which has fired missiles at military and civilian infrastructure within Ukraine.

WSJ explains how Kyiv is trying to neutralize Russian forces on the peninsula.

0:00 Crimean Peninsula
0:49 Black Sea fleetCrimea military facilities
2:11 How Ukraine tries to neutralize Crimea
2:48 Do attacks work?

Russia-Ukraine Conflict
WSJ’s latest news coverage around the 2022-2023 Russia-Ukraine conflict.

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19 thoughts on “Ukraine’s Strategy to Weaken Russia’s Military, Logistics in Crimea | WSJ”

  1. I think the only way to end this war is by;
    1.Both Ukraine and Russia should make a new International boundary giving away land that is already occupied by Russia
    2. Ukraine should be given NATO membership after the new international border is drawn
    3.Sanctions imposed on Russia should be taken away
    4.Ukraine should receive compensation from NATO countries

  2. In 2014, President Barack Obama called the Ukraine “the most corrupt country on the planet.“ But it had a huge military and a lot of great resources so Obama sent his vice president Joe Biden there to install a western favorable government. The ultimate goal being to put a NATO sticker on all of the Ukrainian equipment. Mission accomplished. The NATO expansionism continues.

  3. Decree. On 19 February 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued a decree transferring the Crimean Oblast from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

  4. The recent attacks on Russia's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea and a dry dock in the city of Sevastopol by Ukraine are part of a strategy to weaken military and logistics facilities on the occupied peninsula. Ukraine wants to cut off Crimea to make the peninsula untenable. Crimea is crucial for Russia's operations in Ukraine as it is a supply hub for Russian forces resisting Ukraine's counter-offensive. Russia has turned the peninsula into a heavily militarized zone since the annexation in 2014, with several important military air bases and sophisticated air defense systems, some of which Ukraine has targeted since last year. Ukraine has intensified attacks on the occupied peninsula in recent months as its ability to target Crimea has improved, with the country receiving cruise missiles from Britain and France and developing their own weapons, such as drones and torpedoes. The White House has also told Ukraine it will send advanced long-range surface-to-air missiles to add to Ukraine's ability to launch longer-range strikes. These attacks indicate that Ukraine is not only on the receiving end and can attack Russia in return.

  5. We shouldnt be even getting involved in Ukraine's war there the ones that started it.
    When Vladimir putin did his war speech the main issue going there what he claimed was because the Ukrainians were taking over territory and land belonging to the Kievs .
    Who have the own language their own culture and own land over there . They asked the russians for help.

    Not to mention they never took over crimea .
    The citizens over there voted to break away from that country to be a part of Russia .
    And did everything legal affording to the United nations national charter.

    It doesnt suprise me that our own government would lie to us to try and get us to start a war with another country , spreading false propoganda .

    Happened in vietnam and happened in Iraq.

    We are literally helping pay for a war another country started .

  6. I know this a old video but can the WSJ comment on yesterdays new Russian rocket the look like the biggest bomb Russia ever on Ukrain and killing 59 people and flattening a large part of Ukrain?

  7. All you people that want Ukrain to destroy Russia and get ride of Putin your all dream in 1. Ukrain is lose the war 2. Ukrain going to lose funding from America because republican run the house now and 2024 when Trump win he’s coming out of nato and stop send money and weapons to Ukrain because America come first to Trump and stupid joe run the country in a $33 trillion debt, Trump is a businessman and the paper work not adding up, Trump know he as to fix his house before fixing someone else so he’s going to pump that oil baby and build the wall, fire the DOJ and the FBI, investigate Joe Biden and start manufacturing again. The democrats are Nazis and he as to get the GOP to start acting like a group of seal team 6 because Russia as there game plan out already

  8. In this onslaught, Ukraine and its NATO backers/masters (particularly the US) have failed spectacularly. And if Trump is elected president again, what will happen? It would be the end of Ukraine!


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