Ukraine War: Will the new F-16 jets make a difference on the front lines?

Military analyst and former fast jet pilot Sean Bell has said the US and its allies sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine will be of “major concern” for Vladimir Putin.

“But, even if Ukraine was to be gifted a squadron of F-16s, that would not provide credible or capable combat air capability,” he said.

Mr Bell added that Ukraine needs trained pilots and logistic support, plus a spectrum of support capability, which all takes time and is “very expensive”.

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43 thoughts on “Ukraine War: Will the new F-16 jets make a difference on the front lines?”

  1. The conflict is now in the state where NATO weapons are being tested against the Russians and it is becoming frighteningly clear that everything Nato have used so far have been countered and destroyed by the Russians and the collective west have not displayed or even mentioned anything to match the Russians hypersonic missiles. The Russians have used the slowest of their Hypersonic missile to destroy the Patriot system after one week and now they have gone for the F16 lets see howlong they last after thy fire first shot.

  2. The F-16 fighters will hardly make a difference. Their radar echo is large, so they are a found target for Russian air defenses. Instead, the Western states are getting further and further into the war. For the West, it seems to be simply a matter of everything. There is no other way to explain this lust for war. NATO is emptying its arsenals and supporting Ukraine with "unshakable" Nibelung loyalty and mass deliveries of weapons. If Russia felt like attacking Germany, for example, the Bundeswehr would have ammunition for two days and would then be finished. But Russia will not do that (yet). An analyst has calculated that every German is burdened with 14,000 € in war costs. I think Germany has never overcome fascism. The British and Americans are unbeatable in terms of ruthlessness anyway. Peace is not the goal of NATO. Instead, Ukraine is being burned up in a proxy war fought between Russia and all of NATO.

  3. The next great development that will turn the tide of the war. Not sure what happened to HIMARS, the Patriot missle system, Challenger tanks, depleted uranium shells and all that other stuff that was meant to change the war too?

  4. Another wonder weapon that in 3 months time we will wait for the next wonder weapons. Must be number 8 or 9 now just like the number of EU sanctions that have failed miserably. Do these idiots have an off ramp to this conflict.

  5. With the fuel load of an F-16 and lacking any tanker support they're going to have to place them closer to the action. They better keep their aprons clean too or else they will go through engines. I suspect we'll hear news reports of a few getting shot down unfortunately. Russia has a pretty sophisticated SAM system, can't see these being a game changer.

  6. I don't think, west send F-16 to Ukraine can help Ukraine to win war over Russia, contrarary it's make Ukrainian people more and suffering from war. Zelensky is needed to realize that peace and harmonized with Russia are the best way for development and prosperity for both people Ukrainian and Russian as the good neighbors.

  7. Russian SAM systems will shoot these out of the sky immediately. Do these people take us for fools? There is no air superiority for Ukraine in this conflict and the Russians integrated air defense will cause another litter of burning aircraft coming down….

  8. Your talking about Ukrainians. Give them anything and they will make good use of it. Hey, they stopped the Russians with machine guns, stingers and javelins. Ukrainians are highly intelligent fighters.

  9. Putin say : my concern why nato troops especialy usa n uk troops have no balls against rusia ? Are they coward? Rusian troops have waitting so long in ukraine…answer this.

  10. The world stands in solidarity with Ukraine, offering its unwavering support. The United States, as well as other nations, are determined to assist Ukraine in reclaiming its territories. Great Britain's proposal to train Ukrainian F-16 pilots is a noteworthy initiative, and several countries have willingly agreed to provide training for Ukrainian soldiers and spare parts for their aircraft.

  11. 1) I assume every jet fighter has at least a 20 mm canon so that's no huurah at all
    2) The answer to the question in the title isn't really answered: are the European F 16's a match for the Sukhoi's, are they able to circumvene S 400's ? Especially since some countries, Israel not to name it is specifically asking that all Israeli equipment will be removed out of F 16's send to Zelenski. The fact that he shares the Israeli state religion is apparantly weaker than the fear Iran somehow might benefit
    3) Can a "normal" F 16 be quickly (few months) turned into a Viper ? And does a Viper would have more chances above the battlefield ?
    Sean Bell generally has great comments, but here he's flying with his followers into thick mist. I miss clear answers: is the F 16 worth while all the extra fuss, will it make THE decisive difference ? And to be able to be just that, what weapon systems have to be included in the deal, AMRAAMs ? GBU's ?…
    Finally: note that president Biden has opened the door ajar for the F 16's "among others"; what "others" could that be ? The F 18, Eurofighters, Mirage 2000's, A 10's ????

  12. we must not allow military conflicts to break out around the world. if we stop sending weapons now and turn a blind eye to Putin's crimes it will unleash the hands of other dictators and they will start attacking.

  13. It is obvious that if we won't help Ukrainian army and they will lose this war, russians won't stop. Putin will go further West, more European countries will be invaded. Who will stop them then? It's a much better option we have now – to support Ukraine in winning this war and containing russian aggression on Ukrainian soil. Arm Ukraine!

  14. I am sure that Ukraine is very grateful to the US for the accelerated process of handing over fighters, all democratic countries are involved in the struggle for independence of Ukraine, military assistance for Ukraine has incredible results, modern military aviation is what Ukraine lacked, as we know now the forces of Russian and Ukrainian aviation are equal, but the supply of F-16 fighters for Ukraine is all treason


    it takes years to master these war planes – Who's really gonna fly them?


    1 F16 cost around 15M

    To fuel it costs 5700 each time

    To Maintain it costs 10 Million a year

    And over 100M Missiles a day

    Don't forget the TANKS


    Only the DEMS DEMS DEMS

    And now China Joe is asking for More to protect another countries border?

    And keep his families Money stream going?

    All all because they fired the prosecutor going after the company Hunter was a board member of

    I don't think so – China Joe owes Ukraine not the USA

    Just like Afghanistan – China Joe is wasting US tax payers money and resources for his own gain

    I wonder what he's making on this deal


    the USA is in a Budget Crisis – WOKE, CRT, DEI, the Bogus Man Made Global Climate Change all Marxist theories to Kill our US Nation


    TRUMP2024 to clean up this mess – De-fund all World Orgs including the UN, NATO, WHO, WTO, and many more – all to MAGA A

  17. And this is N0T a DEEP STATE aka Uni-Party Proxy WAR with Russia? ya right

    The US provided arms and LOTS of our money without the peoples permission to –

    Muammar Gaddafi, then our Government killed him

    Saddam Hussein, then our Government killed him

    Osama bin Laden, then our Government killed him

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy, ?

  18. Ukraine's urgent need for fighter planes cannot be overstated. Expediting the training of their pilots and handing over the aircraft will strengthen Ukraine's aerial defense capabilities, allowing them to launch successful counterattacks and advance towards defeating Russia

  19. Anyone born of war will never fear how prepared his ENERMIES are so is Lord Putin and Russia never fear anything that the fools thinks they are doing against Russia because Russia is the Lords of wars and will destroyed everything from the enemies

  20. Russia has a military strategy. Nato and Elensky have a media strategy.

    Here's some news of the day.

    Data reveals Germany has entered recession

    Biden Faces Shrinking Options on Ukraine

    Ukraine will not be receiving anything close to the most modern, capable variant of the F-16, but rather airframes which have exceeded their operational life span for the air forces of the doner nation – in short, old aircraft with severe maintenance issues and limited performance.

    But the Ukrainian pilots who will be flying these aircraft will be the furthest thing from experienced F-16 pilots that one can imagine. They will have minimal experience in testing the performance capabilities of the F-16.🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑

  21. The West has met his match which’s Russia. The has been invading countries that can not defend themselves. This time with Russia, the West will know that they have stepped on a biggest toes


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