Ukraine War: Russia's Black Sea ships will take 'very long time to repair'

Crimea is home to Vladimir Putin’s prized Black Sea Fleet and is of huge strategic value due to its location on the Black Sea. The latest Ukrainian missile strikes on the illegally occupied region of Crimea this week have heavily impacted Russia’s naval capability.

Military analyst Michael Clark said the attack on the fleet was “pretty effective” and the fire damage on the ships will take a “very long time to repair”.

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27 thoughts on “Ukraine War: Russia's Black Sea ships will take 'very long time to repair'”

  1. Meanwhile, Ukraine was a failed state before the war, and what’s going to be left of it afterwards isn’t going to be better. Would have been much better to abide by the Minsk Agreements and not having killed 14,000 ethnic Russians in the east.

  2. Russians are a different kind…imagine holding off 31 member states (Nato) lead by Big brother USA…Printing $$…With soviet era cannons and weapons….imagine if the scenario was reversed….Nato would probably jst piss itself at the sight of Russia😂…No wonder Russians gave Hitler a good fight ….

  3. I was a bit concerned to see a Swedish flag flying from a submarine mentioned as a Russian kilo class submarine. I take it Sky News did not find a picture of Russian submarine….

  4. The comments here a so funny, suggesting Ukraine will come out victorious with flags flying. Reality check, the war will carry on for years or Ukraine will be defeated. Next year western major banks will collapse again and all funding will end. It’s a shame SKY News have resorted to such western propaganda, either willingly or not.

  5. Very interesting that your channel. Mr Clark and your government so happy to see this losses… why your afraid to say that without NATO’s intelligence zelensky can’t do that … your country as well US seriously playing with a fire and checking the patience of Russia..mark my word the day Russia loose that patience no one will survive .. in that they don’t even think about themselves… so this conflict seriously going into a dangerous situation

  6. I have very difficult to cheer destruction and death at all but that apparently is kind of odd these days… People jump on the war train whitout doubts. Previous generations experience are all forgotten. Thats kind of sad isn't it? 😢


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