Ukraine War: Britain's supply of Storm Shadows to Kyiv 'extremely negative' – Kremlin spokesperson

Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said Russia took an “extremely negative” view of Britain’s decision to supply long-range Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine.

Mr Peskov, however, said the Kremlin did not believe the decision by the UK government would change the outcome of the conflict.

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45 thoughts on “Ukraine War: Britain's supply of Storm Shadows to Kyiv 'extremely negative' – Kremlin spokesperson”

  1. It wont change the war cause Russia will face defeat whether they kick and scream or threaten nukes… call it escalation… the list goes on… and yeah for Ammo depots 300km rockets will help alot..

  2. He always says none of this will change anything…..yet here he is a year later crying as Russia fails to take a small city after liquidating a large portion of what it had left in capable men and equip….LMAO

  3. I'm waiting for Ukraine to use stormshaddow on the Kersch bridge (for which it's ideally suited). Then let's see how significant the Russians think it is!😂

  4. It was double trouble for Ukrainian troops at the frontline in the last 24 hours as Russia unleashed its Smerch MLRS and Akatsiya artillery on them. Ukronazi troops ran for life as the warheads struck their ammunition depot.

    In addition, The Washington Post has deleted a significant part of an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which Zelensky responded aggressively when asked about his own military intelligence agents' alleged "dealings" with Russia's Wagner Group.

  5. Wrong again, more Russian lies. Is there no one in Russia that can see the obvious. IE who has invaded whose country?…… Therefore who is threatening who?
    What would immediately end the war and the killing? Russia goes home, recalling it's troops involved in the criminal invasion of another country.
    What would be a positive step to encourage Russia to do this?….Western countries double up on kit supplies munitions etc to the Ukraine. Russia has to realize they CANNOT and WILL NOT be allowed to win this conflict. So say almost the entire planet! GET OUT OF THE UKRAINE NOW! Nobody, not the Ukraine, Not the UK, or The USA, or NATO is threatening Russia. This war is a criminal action that comes back to the Criminal nation of Russia and it's Criminal leader Putin.

  6. "Britain's supply of Storm Shadows to Kyiv 'extremely negative' says Kremlin spokesperson"

    Not as negative as the Russian hypersonic missiles to Kyiv have been though have they?

  7. Storm Shadows can provide amazing fireworks display in Russki military bases, ammo depots, and command centers. Russkis are definitely fast sprinters In the battlefield that tank assaults or word curses would suffice, making them run to Mama Russia.
    🏃 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️ 😂😂😂

  8. Proud of Britain. Of course, Russia is not happy with new range of missiles Ukraine 🇺🇦 received. It makes Russia's situation even more complicated.

  9. The supply of Storm Shadows is expected to be around 1000. There is a need for a launch platform. In Ukraine,  The SU-27,29,31, TU-95, and 160 are in poor supply. Could this be an unstated justification for the mandatory modernization of the Ukrainian Air Force? If this is the case,training couldn't be more welcome! Slava Ukraini!


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