Ukraine vs Russia Update – Is NATO Falling Apart ? Can Putin Be Stopped

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Ukraine vs Russia Update – Is NATO Falling Apart ? Can Putin Be Stopped

Tags: ukraine, russia, ukraine news, ukraine war, russia ukraine, ukraine crisis, russia ukraine crisis, ukraine russia, ukraine vs russia, russia vs ukraine war, russia ukraine invasion, putin, vladimir putin, president of ukraine, russia vs ukraine war update, ukraine russia conflict, russia ukraine conflict, russia ukraine war, russia ukraine news, nato, military, invasion,analytics,analysis, kiev live, kyiv live,update, china, usa ,money,how to make money online, investing, wealth, stocks


36 thoughts on “Ukraine vs Russia Update – Is NATO Falling Apart ? Can Putin Be Stopped”

  1. Though a memberships of NATO Hungary is a pro Russia which shows NATO not intact as a whole pact of allies and a team. Maybe in the future some members could breakaway from NATO

  2. Wake up dude,,in a war,all sides lose armies , in Ukraine,the ratio is one Russian to over eight Ukraineian,and that's not bad for the invading army.

    Western weapons won't be " a game changer but slow the overall Russian progress".
    Russia is focused on achieving it's objectives in Ukraine and has the resources to keep the war going.
    I smell a NATO defeat in Ukraine.
    You are so deluded to think Russian tanks and other weaponry are inferior to the Western ones just like the EU,US underestimated the Russian overall economic resilience,and now it's the collective West economies bleeding..

    This war has helped Russia to decouple from the western unreliable relationship and this is doom because there won't be any more cheap gas and oil to keep Euro zone competitive in almost everything,it's China, India and the US to benefit.

  3. You see – when russa took Kherson melitipol Crimea Donetsk they had a working civilian structure to supports troops. Lately they have nothing but the troops which means to hold the place they have to reinstate a civilian town with supporting infrastructure and it's only troops with nothing. So is is taking a town which can be used for the next step forward. I think not. If they go far enough west their only support is Donetsk and it's further away and they have to leave occupiers behind to occupy what they've taken. Eventually they've got miles of nothing back to Donetsk and Luhansk.

  4. We need to go in – NATO
    We're sending all this tech in on untrained troops. Thereby exposing it to scrutiny.
    We can expand the force multiplier with our familiarity, training, and experience far more than allowing its use outside our circle.
    Secure Ukraine, then bring it into the fold.

  5. Actually, President Biden made no mention of any policy regarding the F16s. There was a reporter question drowned out by rhe exhaust of his helicopter, and he could have responded, but that was also drowned out. Wait for a real press conference, where questions and answers are audible.

  6. Putinitler, terrorista vergonhoso. Tornou a russia numa nação criminosa que pela morte persegue ganhos politicos….agora e mais uma vez para os russos só sobra a morte e a vodka, vergonha…..


  7. Hey you, watcher!. write something to your congressman after watch this an tell them they are p*ssies if we don't step in in the conflict. Seems you don't know how to stop a bully. sanctions! my lord,.. sanctions tickle mr. putin.

  8. Shame on Austria and Croatia. And of course Hungary. I love all three countries and have visited them. I lived for a year in Austria and have friends there. The stain of this shame will last a long, long time. Putin's handmaidens will get their Karma multiplied many times over.

  9. I think NATO is stronger than ever, despite russias cont=inued interferenc4e in foreign countries toi try to destabilise everyone.
    Yet look at the russian "fake " nato allieance or federation….which is crumbling faster than a morang pie

  10. Well we shall see how the countries that don’t support Ukraine act if Russia wins… really hope their not thinking the US will ride in to protect them, we no longer have the ability to support all of Europe with equipment and supplies, hell we can’t even currently fix our inflation and energy supplies.

  11. Don't tolerate the illegal territorial enemies. Enough crimes and genocide, Terrorism, destroying infras. That's normal. Shameful grabing ,occupying other soil. Forcing to get doesn't belong to them. Hope fast Judgement and justice for crimes, illegal war, genocide and destroying infras. The wrath of God come upon them and it'sin your habd wickedness of the people. In the might name of Jesus is in you Ukraine. 🙏🌈🍀

  12. No of course not Russia and Putin have a hard time telling the truth exactly like Putin’s bestest buddy and maga fascist republicans leader Donald traitor trump Donald loves Kim Jong un and all kleptocratic authoritarian dictators no nato eu will not abandoned Ukraine

  13. Kick that Russian spy out of eu orban president of hungry and sham on those puppet country’s who support Putin and his personal no reason war for power and greed and to recreate Russian empire under tzar Vladimir Putin


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