Ukraine Truths, The WEF & COVID – Godfrey Bloom Unleashed!

Godfrey Bloom joined Marcus Bozza from Herd Immunity News to talk Russia/Ukraine, The World Economic Forum, COVID …


21 thoughts on “Ukraine Truths, The WEF & COVID – Godfrey Bloom Unleashed!”

  1. Godfrey, probably best that you stop walking along coastal paths, particularly 'high' ones and what ever you do, don't ,for heavens sake, sit and rest under any trees………
    Stay Safe!

  2. Very interesting and informative video, I wish folk had used their braincells and said no like myself,I'll loose my family if they up the nose my grandchildren it's heartbreaking,I want don't comply..well someone will have to step and look after family my Gary younger and I add his family don't comply..

  3. What is so shocking is the immense amount of people, in all walks of life, that have Blood On Their Hands regarding their guilty and senseless way that have carried on over the last 3 years!!!
    Shocking and disgusting!!!
    They will certainly reap what they have callously and unloving sown!!!
    Sad but so very TRUE!!!!!

  4. Western governments are actively after individuals who are older souls that reincarnated in this era, attacking us with high tech weapons and undercover gangstalkers, so there is little or no proof to report this to the police. Because secret agencies are the cause. Targeted Individuals has a channel here on YouTube!

  5. Suppose that Jesus died at this time and date:

    2:52 in the afternoon of the 27th day of April the 4th month of 31 AD.

    The smallest number with roots that could show this time and date is 294=2*3*7*7=1*7*2*1*1*7*3*1

    as 2:52 is also 172 minutes past Noon and the 27th of April is the 117th day of 31 AD.

    Now Jesus said in the verse Mat 5:18 that not a single letter would be missing of the Hebrew Law,

    even over such a long time and much translating.

    If he thought that there is more information hidden among the letters,

    that would be revealed by our computers, this could explain why he wanted not a single letter missing.

    Well 294+518=812 and 812 is the Mirror image of 518, if a Mirror is held to one side!

    Apparently of all versions of the Scriptures, the King James Bible has the most interesting number finds so far.

    I Recommend the "Truth is Christ" You tube channel to see more of the KJB Bible Numerics.

    Psalm 117 is the exact centre of the 1189 chapters:

    Here is the pattern of the books, and chapters of the 1189 chapters of the King James Bible:

    1st book 01 has 50 chapters and ends 50 chapters into the KJV Bible, and so on.

    02 40 90, 03 27 117, 04 36 153, 05 34 187, 06 24 211, 07 21 232, 08 4 236, 09 31 267, 10 24 291,

    11 22 313, 12 25 338, 13 29 367, 14 36 403, 15 10 413, 16 13 426, 17 10 436, 18 42 478, 19 150 628, 20 31 659,

    21 12 671, 22 8 679, 23 66 745, 24 52 797, 25 5 802, 26 48 850, 27 12 862, 28 14 876, 29 3 879, 30 9 888,

    31 1 889, 32 4 893, 33 7 900, 34 3 903, 35 3 906, 36 3 909, 37 2 911, 38 14 925, 39 4 929, 40 28 957,

    41 16 973, 42 24 997, 43 21 1018, 44 28 1046, 45 16 1062, 46 16 1078, 47 13 1091, 48 6 1097, 49 6 1103, 50 4 1107,

    51 4 1111, 52 5 1116, 53 3 1119, 54 6 1125, 55 4 1129, 56 3 1132, 57 1 1133, 58 13 1146, 59 5 1151, 60 5 1156,

    61 3 1159, 62 5 1164, 63 1 1165, 64 1 1166, 65 1 1167, 66 22 1189.

    The 19th book is the book of Psalms.

    The 18th book ends 478 chapters into the KJV Bible, and 478+117=595 so 594+1+594=1189 !

    Psalm 117 is also the smallest of all chapters in the KJB with 33 words and 133 letters!

    33133 is symmetrical and 33133=17*1949 and 17 is the 7th Prime and 1949 is the 296=2^3*37 [see more below]

    The most famous 4 digit number in Bible numerics is 2701, as the 28 Hebrew letters number values

    of Genesis 1:1 add to 2+200+1+300+10+400+2+200+1+1+30+5+10+40+1+400+5+300+40+10+40+6+1+400+5+1+200+90=2701.

    2701 added to its reverse 1072 is 3773, and 2701=37*73, and the date and time from 2701=3773-1072=11*7^3*1-(1072)!

    Regards the 117th day, and Psalm 117 being the middle chapter of 1189 chapters of the KJB 117+1072=1189!

    2701-1189=1512 and 15 with a Mirror underneath appears like 12!

    There are many other marvels of 2701, and a Google with the speech marks of "2701" "Bible Numerics" will show some of them.

    In Hebrew tradition there is 271 days for Human pregnancy and 271=270+1 like 2701!

    −273.15 C is the theoretical maximum of cold, which practically has been done to -273.14999999999999… C,

    so like the 27th day, the 31st year, the 4th month and the 9th hour!

    271-273.149=-2.149=0.307*7 and 7 is the 4th Prime and 307 is the 63rd Prime and 4*63=252!

    Human mitochondrial genetics [see wiki] is for a converter of food energy into Human Cell energy.

    16569 base pairs and each one I think is something to do with the 4 Amino Acids CAGT.

    The KJB Bible starts with 44 letters in the first verse and ends with 44 letters in the last,

    and 44=4*11, like 4 Amino Acids, 4 A. A. or 4 1 1!

    Both verses have 17 Vowels and 27 Consonants, and as 17=1*17 this reminds me of the 117th day is also the 27th!

    CAGT is made of the 3rd letter, 1st, 7th and 20th, so the CA can make a 31 like 31 AD,

    and the G can make a 7=1*1*7 like the 117th day and the T can be a 20=2*5*2 like the time 2:52 PM in the afternoon!!!

    The 3+1+7+20=31, and the 3+1+7+2+0=13 and 13 is the reverse of 31!!

    GENE as a series of numbers 7 5 14 5, and 7+5+14+5=31, and 75145=5*7*19*113=5*19*7*1*113, which reversed is 31 117 9 15!

    16569 =3*3*7*263 =3*7*3*263 =263*7*3^2 with a 3732 and a 63 and with a 26 and a 3732.

    In ancient Hebrew the name of God called Jehovah in English, looks like the number 3732 which was sometimes abbreviated to 732.

    63 is the smallest number who's roots can make the date and the non exact time:

    63=7*3^2=3*1*1*1*7*3 for 31 AD on the 117th day at 3 PM in the afternoon also known as the 9th hour in the Bible.

    26=7+15+4 and God is made of the 7th, 15th, and 4th letters.

    263 is the 56th Prime and 56=2^3*7, like 63=7*3^2!!

    16569 reversed is 96561=3*3*10729=9*10729 and nestled between the two 9s is 1072, the reverse of 2701!

    From the exact time 2:52 PM in the afternoon, 252=2*3*7*3*2 which has both a 3732 and a 2373!!

    The most Famous 2 digit number is 42, for the 42 months of Jesus Prophesising, teaching and doing healings, and 42=7*3*2!

    CAGT as numbers multiply 3*1*7*20=42*10!

    Matthew 1:17 (another 117!) says there is 3 of 14 generations, after naming them Matt 1:2-16,

    from Abraham to David and David to the Exile and from the exile to Jesus, and 3*14=42 and 3*14 is like Pi!!

    Oddly in the KJB Matt 1:2-16, I have counted only 41, but the initials D.N.A. made of the 4th, 14th and 1st letters makes 4141!

    I have mentioned that the smallest numbers who's roots can show the time and the date are 294 and 63,

    but if some of the roots are used more than only once, then 42=7*3*2 can show:

    the year, day of the year, the exact time, the week, and the day of the week, and of course with nothing unused:

    42=3*1*1*1*7*2*=1*7*6 showing the 31st year, the 117th day of the year, the 172nd minute, (reusing the 17 in the 117)

    and the 17th week, and the 6th day and note that in the string of numbers 3111 7 2176 the 7 of the 117 is in the middle!

    Also 294*42=12348 has a 1234!

    12348=2*3*7*7*7*3*2 which like 42 sort of has both 2373 and 3732.

    12348=1*7*2*1*1*7*3*1*1*7*6 showing the exact time, the day of the year, the year, the week of the year, and the day of the week.

    Also 294-42=252!

    The tilt angle of the Earth in the 27th April 31 AD minus the tilt angle reference set in 1st Jan 2000,

    is 23.691-23.439=0.252 degrees!

    Equation of time from the Ecliptic Wiki:

    ε = 23°26′21.406″ − 46.836769″ T − 0.0001831″ T^2 + 0.0020034″ T^3 − 0.576×10−6″ T^4 − 4.34×10−8″ T^5

    and '=1/60 and "=1/3600 of a degree.


    Present day reference tilt angle is 23.43927944 degrees.

    If T=-19.68682 Centuries from adding the remaining part of the day the 27th of April, to the remainder of the year 31 AD,

    and also the remainder of the 2 millennia and also the half day of 1st of January 2000 AD:


    then T^2=387.57091 T^3=-7630.039026 T^4=150211.210417 T^5=-2,957,181.170072

    ε=23.43927944+0.25612975-0.00001971228707-0.004246116718-0.0000240337936667+0.0000356504602407=23.691155 degrees.

    If T=-23.43927944 Centuries like the present day reference angle 23.439 degrees,

    then T^2=549.399821 T^3=-12877.535921 T^4=301840.162951 T^5=-7074,915.925568

    ε=23.43927944+0.30495004-0.00002794308526-0.00716634874-0.0000482944260717+0.00008529203806096=23.73707218578672926 degrees!

    Which is like 2373 the reverse of number 3732 that looks like the name of God in ancient Hebrew!

    The Solar Eclipse has made many wonder that the Moon coincides in size so neatly of over the Sun, though it 400 times the Moon.

    The longest month in the Calendar is 31 days and 7 of the 12 months are 31 days, like 31 AD of the date!

    Also the angular width of the Moon is 31 minutes of a degree arc!

    In each month there is 4 weeks like April is the 4th month of the date.

    In each month there is 2 fortnights of 2 weeks each of 7 days like the 27th day of the date.

    Relative to the Stars the Moon orbits around the Earth by 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.5 seconds the Moon Wiki says.

    27 days 7 hours 43 minutes 11.5 seconds as a string of numbers is 27743115, which spaced as 277 4 31 15,

    makes a sort of 27th of the 4th month 31 AD at 15:00 hours in the afternoon!

    The series of the smaller Primes is well known 2 3 5 7 11 13… this string of digits reversed is 31 117 532

    and 532 minutes after a 6 AM dawn is 172 minutes past Noon!

    There are other 2 number finds that support 2:52 PM instead of 3:00 PM, that I have not shown, as they take too much words.

    Some might say that the most common of the Prime roots are the smaller ones, and so I have wondered of the lack of the number 5!?

    I think that it is important that the middle word of the middle chapter Psalm 117, of the 1189 chapters of the KJB, is the word "is".

    Which is like the number 15 hours in appearance, and 15=5*3 like Isaiah 53 that Jews are not allowed to read in the Old Testament.


    Design or Coincidence and even both?

    My opinion, the extra information code exists, God exists and Jesus exists!!!

    But of all the hidden info' I expect that the date and time of Jesus dying for us, even US,

    is to be shown most and found the most, as it is the most important for ever and for ever.

  6. Godfrey Bloom is an amazing human being, with
    a vast knowledge across so many topics. Always
    thought provoking, enlightening and highly
    informative interviews, when he is the guest.
    His explanations are sensible, reasonable and
    very much on point! Too bad that none of those
    currently in power in the U.K., or the U.S. , have
    any of his knowledge or experience in military
    analysis, geopolitics or geoeconomics!

    Thank you for bringing him on to your
    podcast, allowing nag him to share his views
    with all of us! Quite refreshing to hear the
    truth for a change! What a novel concept.


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