Ukraine pushes back in Bakhmut | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast

Day 379.

Today, we analyse the latest updates from the front line, report on developments in Georgia and Dom Nicholls interviews Ukrainian rock band Antytila.


David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

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21 thoughts on “Ukraine pushes back in Bakhmut | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast”

  1. If Lukashenko wanted to, he could go into exile in the US as well. Most Americans have no idea what he looks like or who he is. He could live at a beach house for the rest of his life. I don't know why more dictators don't take that kind of offer. There was an extremely well known historical figure's daughter who lived in my state for their entire life. Maybe they do bad things their entire life, but leaving would give their country hope, so maybe they would deserve to retire

  2. I live in California and woke up to see a 200+ y/o oak tree, which was blown over last night in a tremendous storm. The same will happen in Putin's Russia: It will stand; until it will not.

  3. I'm still blown away that the Afghans had 20 years training from the US with all the kit and equipment and at the first sign of a scuffle they broke down and disbanded. The Ukrainians however have had a fraction of the time to prepare and less equipment and shown true grit against a "greater" foe.
    Slava Ukraine !

  4. Why do u dumb ukranians need all this aid if the Russians are just a bunch of shovel swinging, militarily incompetent Neanderthals that apparently according to cnn couldn't hot the floor if they fell on it.

  5. Bakhmut – The West says they have far more kills.
    R says they have far more.
    Choose your favorite propaganda.
    Who blew up the NS pipes?
    Did China host a meeting between S.A. & I?
    Has The Telegraph not been instructed what to report?
    Is the usd & petrol dollar under threat?
    Is there a new world order emerging? Is it picking up speed?
    Will USA lash out – throw its toys out of the pram?

  6. If these commentators really believe that Russia will lose this war , they are trying to fool the public . USA will dump Ukraine when the course of this war turns . These commentators are foolish


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