Ukraine: military situation update with maps, August 22, 2022

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Summary: Russian troops squeezed out Ukrainian forces from village Blagodatne near Snigurivka.

Key areas:
– Izyum bridgehead: no changes
– North Donbass area: no changes
– Donetsk West: no changes.
– Kherson bridgehead: Russian troops gained effective control of the village Blagodatne near Snigurivka-Mykolayiv road. The attack was carried out by the 247th Rgt / 7th airborne division.


36 thoughts on “Ukraine: military situation update with maps, August 22, 2022”

  1. I very much treasure your daily updates for their factual and neutral and generally well informed content. This time though some of the information given is incorrect:
    Europe is not only getting LNG from Canada and Russia but from at least half a dozen countries like Norway, Algeria and Katar, new contracts and import facilities are being created at very high speed .
    The pipeline Nord Stream 1 has not „stopped“, it is currently running at 20% capacity and will be closed for „maintenance“ for 3 days at the end of August. Nevertheless the gas storages in Germany are filled at 80% capacity and are even ahead of schedule.
    The price for electricity is nowhere near €7,- per Kilowatt (KWh), but costs around 37 cents! Where is your information from?
    There is no intention to replace all fossile fuel over night with renewable energy, to compensate for russian gas for example coal power plants are beeing reactivated.
    Alltogether I think your picture of europes economy is way too bleak, whereas Russia will dropp into a severe recession due to the sanctions the EU will mostly just loose a little belly fat.

  2. I disagree that Ukraine is losing. Ukraine has access to many more soldiers than Russia has. The people of Ukraine are motivated to fight this war. That's what's going to make the difference. Russian soldier's moral is low, they don't even want to fight this war. The Russian army is running out of fighting soldiers. The civilians of Russia don't want to fight this war. Putin can't call mass mobilization because he's afraid of being overthrown. In Ukraine the people are united and will sacrifice everything to win this war. You cannot say the same about Russia. That's what's going to make the difference. That and the help from all the free countries of the world are going to allow Ukraine to win this war.
    I also disagree that the entire Free World is going to come crashing down because they don't have access to Russian natural gas.

  3. We have already gone over starvation, unrest and prices rising.. even down to specific produkts and even oil prices. Is there anything else particular you can add.. the internal affairs were intresting, most your veiwers do not speak Ukraining.. what is the gossip.

  4. All these people talking about lng terminals and renewables somehow negating sanctions on Russian gas miss that there is not a lot of gas going around without Russia. The Europeans will be competing on the market for more expensive gas with the US, China and the rest of the world.

    Sure maybe Europe can ration enough gas to supply their populations through the winter. But companies are already ramping down production due to gas prices. The EU economy still is going to take a monumental hit.

  5. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue to listen to this depression ridden guess work. These vids are just getting worse. Perhaps one of the only channels where the viewer count is actually going down. Are you related to Franz Kafka?

  6. It appears from your daily updates that Ukraine just isn't make the kind of progress it needs to. In the south, where she has the advantage, there is no sense of urgency on the part of the Ukrainian command. Sadly, U.A. is failing in operational cadence, initiative and speed and give it one more year of poor initiative, most of her allies will give-up on Ukraine based on economic concerns. I hope U.A. has a plan beyond just holding out, protracting the war, and expecting that Putin will pull-out because that is not in his character and just has a poor probability of happening.

  7. Total combat losses of the Russian forces between 24 February and 23 August 2022 are estimated to be [figures in parentheses represent the latest losses – ed.]:

    Approximately 45,550 (+150) military personnel
    1,921 (+2) tanks
    4,238 (+8) armoured combat vehicles
    1,033 (+1) artillery systems
    266 (+0) multiple-launch rocket systems
    146 (+1) air defence systems
    234 (+0) planes
    198 (+0) helicopters
    817 (+2) operational-tactical UAVs
    196 (+2) cruise missiles
    15 (+0) ships/boats
    3,150 (+1) vehicles and fuel tankers,
    99 (+0) special vehicles.

    On 21 August, Russian forces suffered their heaviest losses on the Donetsk front.

  8. That is total nonsense what you said about loss rate. There is no such calculation that says Russia must lose troops at a rate of 3.5x Ukraine, in order for Ukraine to have a chance to win. You cannot determine the outcome of a war based on who loses the most amount of troops. The North vietnamese lost 10x the amount of troops that US lost during the Vietnam war, yet North Vietnam won. The same thing happened with the Taliban. During WWII Russia lost a lot more troops than Germany, yet Russia won the war.

  9. Do you think Ukrain would have been better off if they were occupied in 3 days and have a puppet government? Sometime I think you do believe that, but I could (and hope to be) wrong. Why are you thinking now Ukrain is loosing slowly. I see Russia is loosing quicky and soon Ukrain will have the upper hand. It is just a matter of time. Do not have to retake the land, just wait and see Russia collapse in months or maybe years. Nato will support Ukrain to avoid war in the Baltics and Poland. They will rebuild their Easter Front. Supply modern weapons to the eastern Nato countries and shift the old sovjet systems to Ukrain. And some modern weapons of course. They will peel of the Russian onion called army bit by bit. WIth support of the west they have more time than Russia to win this war.

  10. -as far as banning russians from the West, or limiting the number of russians allowed in the West
    -it’s really simple, simply ask the russian if they will sign an affidavit that Crimea belongs to Ukraine
    -if they will, the russian can be allowed entry, if they won’t, the russian is denied 🙂

  11. Quote from OC Pivden (South): "Our missile and artillery units have destroyed an ammunition depot and the command post of the 247th Airborne Assault Regiment in Chornobaivka, as well as the command post of the 331st Parachute Airborne Regiment in Novovoskresenske and another ammunition depot in Blahodatne as part of the fire missions."

    Details: It is also reported that enemy losses of 23 Russians, one T-72 tank and an armoured fighting vehicle have been confirmed. The final losses of the enemy are still being investigated.

    OC Pivden (South) noted that the situation in the operational zone on the Pivdennyi Buh front is generally tense, but under control.

  12. I still find it funny you keep going with the energy issue. The people in Europe don't think it's missguided and any other course would make voters very unhappy. People want to be independent from Russia and accept the cost.

  13. Of course the supply lines are still working. Honestly I don’t know where the cope that 30k Russian soldiers were cut off started, but where ever y’all heard that it was always very obviously wrong.

  14. Russia says over 1,000 children from Mariupol 'adopted' in its remote cities.
    This is Russia casually admitting to carrying out one of the acts considered to constitute genocide under the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" namely the forcible transfer of "children of the group to another group".

  15. Have to start questioning the Numbers presented by this channel claiming Russias losses of men are only 3000-4000.. seriously !?
    Only one month into the war on the 25th of March Russia reported 1351 killed Russian soldiers. Meaning the Russian dead would be only 1/5 after that date. And taking into consideration that Russia is UNDERESTIMATING its loses BIG time.. Do the math your self and consider if the info provided is credible !!!???

  16. I do agree that Ukraine is slowly losing. But I think they can sustain this slow losing longer than Russia can sustain their slow winning because Russia will run out of soldiers first. The only path to victory available to Russia is to win economically by starving Ukraine of energy and breaking morale on the home front.

  17. There is an interesting letter of 20 experts acusing Biden administration of trying to seizing defeat from the jaws of victory "US must arm Ukraine now, before it’s too late". I think that no one wants to deal with unknown when russia will start loosing

  18. Study up on electricity pricing, kW demand charges are separate from kWh energy charges and typically apply to only commercial and industrial customers. Residential customers typically pay only for kWh, their demand accounted for in their residential kWh rate. People here are probably oriented toward the residential rate, which one commenter below noted in one part of Europe at 37 US cents. That is very high.

  19. I think there are many folks thinking the increase of cost for hydrocarbons will speed adoption of green energy solutions. Unfortunately the only green energy solution currently available to replace energy use provided by Hydrocarbons is nuclear and nuclear recycling. I don't believe anyone pushing green is pushing nuclear.

  20. Germany to send military aid worth 500 million euros to Ukraine, including three Iris-T air defense systems, a dozen armored recovery vehicles, 20 rocket launchers, precision-guided munitions and anti-drone systems.

  21. Additional CO2 emission is not an option for the long-term. The effects on the natural world are simply devastating. A few days ago I read about lizards being born "old" (potentially too "old" to procreate) because the place where the lizards live has become too warm, causing genetic damage. And yesterday I read that the king crab fishery in the Bearing Sea has been destroyed by increased water temperature (99% loss of reproductive females). I agree with you about the physics of the situation, however. There is no way that "green" energy can replace fossil fuel (for one thing, mining the necessary metals would itself be terribly destructive). Nuclear energy creates wastes that are radioactive for geological periods of time (> 100,000 years). The answer is managed de-growth (décroissance).

  22. What? Ukraine is losing? But HIMARZ and M777777s. What happened to the Russians running out of steam and ammo that you kept telling us about over and over again?

  23. I completely agree about the point on poor energy policy in the west particularly in Germany. The public and media have been myopically focused on climate change and to make matters worse are also anti-nuclear. Politicians have jumped on this bandwagon and gone along for the ride but this has left them extremely exposed and Russia has taken advantage of this. I support renewables but you should not be removing fossil fuels and nuclear until they have been replaced. The public needs to stop demonizing fossil fuels so that politicians are able to make a longer term more sustainable transition.

  24. This channel is really just becoming a personal pulpit for WiU to spread pro-fossil fuel propaganda. The world will not collapse into "feudalism" just because gas is a little more expensive. Also alternative energy is not physically impossible, far from it, in fact you only need to cover a tiny fraction of the earths surface with solar to power the whole world, not to mention other options ie. nuclear, hydro, wind, etc.

    Instead what this crisis shows is that fossil fuels are geopolitically unstable, a lot of the active reserves are in autocratic/ politically unstable countries. WiU extreme hyperbole aside, this crisis will likely accelerate the move away from fossil fuel as an energy source long-term and the world will function just fine without it.

  25. THE 9,000 K.I.A uKRANS STATS IS A LIE AND FALSE . BECAUSE AMERICAN INTEL RELEASED STATS FOR ESTIMATED UKRANIAN K.I.A AT THE END OF APRIL . THAT WAS PUT AT 11- 16,000 . 4 MONTHS ON AND AFTER SUPPOSEDLY HUGE RUSS ARTILLERY / MUNITIONS RAINING IN ON UKRANS IN THE DONBAS 22 – 28,000 UKRANIAN K.I.A FIGURES ARE NOW ESTIMATED, though admitedly these latter figures are Not via U.S.A intel , as their was a storm of protests back in April from Kiev when the Yankees discussed the Casualty figures , and from that Point on it was agreed to SUPRESS the True figures . THE UKRAN AUTHORITIES AND WESTERN MEDIA ARE CENSORED FROM RELEASING THE TRUE FIGURES .


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