Ukraine Conflict (20231004): Full Frontline Update

Here is a run through the frontlines for the Ukraine conflict.

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19 thoughts on “Ukraine Conflict (20231004): Full Frontline Update”

  1. The bankers who financed Elon’s acquisition of Twitter are considering cutting their losses & repossessing the platform from him 😭

    β€œIf things deteriorate further, the company’s bankers – already nursing billions in on-paper losses – face the prospect of taking back the keys to a diminished platform that is worth less than even their claim on it.” (Reuters)
    Ohhhh what a pity ….

  2. You'll love this, my wife who as you know is a Russian citizen, was doing her Masters Publishing Degree in London, and her dissertation was on "How Independent Russian Media deal with State Censorship", this was of course before the invasion. She interviewed independent Russian journalists from various independent news media organisations on how they deal with it all, and the thing that upset state authority the most was any article on the military, and mean anything. Like even if they reported an army charity event they could expect a visit from the Police who would hang about and stop them broadcasting for the day.

    One journalist, Liliya Yapparova said how that after they had done a feature on Wagner, that Prigozhin had personally phoned her up and threatened to cut her head off, charming, but then he's dead and she's living in Riga. All these independent News media organisations that operated in Russia, and funded by subscription and donations had their offices closed down on or around the eve of the invasion. These journalists are either in hiding, in prison or fled the country, some set up in other countrys. But there is as you know, no more independent News Media operating within the borders of Russia, mind you before the war they never got a massive reach outside Moscow and St Petersburg.

    My wife got a distinction .

  3. John can we get Col. McGregor invited to Ukraine…
    Ukraine has not shown any aggression to civilian populations, unlike Russia. If Putin wants the war to end he will withdraw his troops. If not, regardless of their intent, the Ukrainians will kill them off their territory and they will fight on if we don't fund them. No one in Ukraine needs Moscow to tell them Sh!t. Col. McGregor you and the Russians will be defeated. Who asked Moscow what the H*ll they think. Nobody gives a dam#. Col. McGregor is frightened, I guess he's never had to knock on wood or see the Elephant Dance. Yes Col. lie about what you do not know. No one who has been there reports that.
    1 second ago
    Col. McGregor is very knowledgeable of things from the past, I doubt he's been in Bucha or Irpin where bodies are dug up routinely. He doesn't know what is going in Ukraine. I want this war, I am Republican through and through, I want to beat Russia and I don't support Putin's Genocide, unlike the Col. and Stephen. I unabashedly support Ukraine's yearn to breath free and as a taxpayer I would willingly suspend funds for illegal aliens and would see that funding go to Ukraine.

  4. I think they should keep take out artilleri and logistic with drones and make a big offensiv when the ground are froozen, ( hopefully they have F16 and Gripen then). Another thing I don't hear much about is helicopters.

  5. Watch alot of these channels on ukraine and i will make this one my primary source, very fair in terms of your assessments and not sensational like alot of the others. Especially the ProRU channels, you would think they are in Kyiv already with not one soldier lost, gimme a break.

  6. 2:28 this sounds bad on the surface but without data like hit rate its not enough to mean anything negative… its possible they are just launching more from farther back to get the same effect trading off missiles for reducing other losses…

  7. Jonathan, "Sandboxx" has two videos on the russian airforce and the problems therein. Russa is running out of pilots, " Putin's Pilot Crisis" and "And how poor training is killing russian pilots". I sent Budanov a text with the title "Take out the pilots". Planes, with no pilots, are just so many dust collecting statues on the runway. Sandboxx is not a Ukraine channel. It is a military channel.

  8. It is essential that Ukraine receive air strike and defence capabilities to hit Russian force hard and destructively. The western nations have failed in this respect. Ignore Moscows sabre rattling, they know that any hint of nuclear would result in the total destruction of the SSBN fleet and ground based weapons. The US and UK have that capability and know where every piece is and Russia knows it.

    I believe that Ukraine is likely to fight to the last man woman and child, the west has to do more. Those right wingers and Republicans that are funded by Russia are just authoritarian trolls that need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting an enemy. This is a fight for democracy

  9. WASHINGTON, October 4. /TASS/. Almost half of Americans polled think that US military aid to Ukraine has been a waste of money, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

    According to the poll results, 45% of respondents think that the $43 bln the US has allocated towards supplying arms and equipment and training Ukrainian troops was not justified. This opinion is shared by 61% of Republicans and 29% of Democrats.

    The survey also showed that Republicans are becoming less enthusiastic about continuing aid to Ukraine. Currently, 50% of them support supplying additional weapons to Ukraine. In March 2022, this figure stood at 80%, and in July 2022 – at 68%. There was also a dropoff in support among Democrats, as this number stood at 83% in March 2022, whereas now it is 77%.

    A third of those polled think that the US authorities are overly concerned with the conflict in Ukraine. This point of view is shared by almost half of Republicans. The survey showed that public interest in the conflict has waned in the US from 84% in March 2022 to 68% in September 2023.

    The survey was held on September 7-18 among more than 3,200 US citizens. The margin of error equals 2 percentage points.

  10. Take care of yourself dude. You sound like you're on the verge of fighting something. We need every one of you guys to bring us the real and truthful news and help open eyes to Russian evil so people will continue support for Ukraine and see through propaganda ❀ Slava Ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


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