Ukraine claims to have destroyed Russian navy vessel in Crimea | Ukraine war

A commander of Ukraine’s air force says a Russian Navy vessel has been destroyed in the Crimean port city of Feodosia.

Russia’s defence ministry confirmed the ship had been damaged and claimed two Ukrainian jets had been shot down – which Ukraine has denied.

Sky’s military analyst Sean Bell says “metrics of success in this war are not about ships destroyed” but “territory gain”.

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24 thoughts on “Ukraine claims to have destroyed Russian navy vessel in Crimea | Ukraine war”

  1. Keyword; 'claims'….true or not, there is little told of the constant destruction meted out by the Russian forces all over the Ukraine, and lets be fair, there have been many false flag claims by the Ukraines in the last two years…

  2. a white Christian american I am so sorry for the Russian loss , all of it …I pray Mr. Putin makes the best decisions as the worlds' strongest white Christian man on the planet, in the universe…sorry to Palestinians too , the world need liberty from one group imo

  3. It is war, no special operation. The russian army should end this war and go home. All the loss is not worth it, just to give more power to Putin. These russian soldiers should be with their families and not die in ukrainian ground. They were brothers and then Putin came and they became enemies. It is a shame. It shows, what propaganda can do. Like in the WW2.

    A narrative about people who have played a significant role in the modern Ukrainian crisis, which has had an extremely negative impact on the lives of millions of people.
    To begin with, let's get acquainted with what a well-known propagandist from Ukraine says without hesitation in an interview with one of the journalists (the video is available on the Russian-language Internet): "From the point of view of Ukrainian legislation, all servicemen fighting in the [anti-terrorist operation] ATO, without exception, are criminals. All. And [from the point of view of] international [legislation], too. Because the status of the ATO does not explain why we are firing from [multiple launch rocket systems] "Grads" at peaceful cities and pounding with heavy artillery, using aviation," psychologist Alexey Arestovich (adviser to the office of the President of Ukraine in 2020-2023).
    Alexey Arestovich also openly expresses piety towards Hitler at his seminars "Thinking and Action" (available on YouTube) and praises the murderous practices of Japanese kamikazes. But from 2014 to 2017, Arestovich conducted psychological trainings for participants of the so-called anti-terrorist operation in the Russian Donbass. God only knows what he "taught" these people. And at the same time, they carried out systematic artillery shelling of the residential sector, where there were no military targets. For many years, civilians died en masse and fled to Russia, and the Ukrainian military themselves were self-sacrificially ground in "boilers" (the territory with the military formations available on it, the front line around which is closed by the enemy, which means a complete and dense encirclement of these troops) by the local militia.
    I also consider the following noteworthy.
    For many years in Ukraine, the extremist all-Ukrainian association "Svoboda", headed by Oleg Tyagnibok and created by psychiatrists Yaroslav Andrushkiv and Yuri Krivoruchko, has been actively promoting hatred among Ukrainians towards Russians in general and residents of Russia. This eventually resulted in a nationalist coup in Kiev, a bloody Russophobic revolution in Ukraine and led to war.
    Representatives of the Svoboda association also took an active organizational part in the coup itself. For example, Andriy Parubiy was the so-called commandant of the Maidan (a group of Ukrainians who committed a coup). And after the coup, it was under his patronage as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine that a punitive operation was launched in the South-East of Ukraine (residents of this region have for centuries considered themselves to be part of the Russian civilization and opposed the unconstitutional anti-Russian coup). Its consequence was the systematic genocide of the residents of Donbass, carried out for many years by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). And in 2022, the government of Ukraine, saturated with destructive psychological and psychiatric ideas, tried to arrange a total "bloodbath" for Donetsk and Lugansk (Russians), throwing 150,000 troops into the Donbass, which caused Russia's retaliatory actions.
    The International Citizens Commission on Human Rights has been investigating and publicizing mental health crimes for many years. And in the history of the Ukrainian crisis, we clearly see the contribution of certain psychologists and psychiatrists to inciting discord and their crimes against humanity.
    Also, a separate investigation is required by the fact that the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny, who has countless war crimes on his account, previously received a master's degree from the Ostrog Academy, the rector of which, characteristically, is psychologist Igor Pasechnik.
    In conclusion, I want to add that war correspondents constantly receive information that many Ukrainian military are under the influence of psychotropic (psychiatric) drugs that make the AFU employees insane, ruthless and cruel. From which they continue to this day with frenzy to exterminate the civilian population.
    It becomes absolutely obvious that in order to achieve peace and harmony between peoples, it is vital to monitor, stop and prevent any abuse of psychiatry and psychology leading to serious conflicts and strife between people."
    (Blog "Secrets of Psychiatry: past and present")

  5. Marinka is an advance of 4 km since the the start of the full "war" or Special Military Operation started. That is farther than the bits from the "damaged" ship landed from the dock in Feodsia.

  6. Rubbish report. Tanks and supply vessels lost equals territorial gains in the future. Ukraine has liberated more land in its summer offensive than Russia has in its autumn campaign at a fraction of the troop and equipment lost. Russia advanced 3 km into marina in 2 years, that's all. And only by completing levelling the town. 10,000 pre war population. Zero civilians there now. Ukraine are not going to throw thousands of troops away fighting over a pile of rubble.

  7. God Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing…

    "Thou shalt not kill" Exodus 20:13.

    "Love your neighbor as yourself" Leviticus 19:18.

    All 208 Presidents of the World must Obey the 613 Precepts of the Torah

  8. God Forgive them because they do not know what they are doing…

    "Thou shalt not kill" Exodus 20:13.

    "Love your neighbor as yourself" Leviticus 19:18.

    All 208 Presidents of the World must Obey the 613 Precepts of the Torah


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