Ukraine Battlefield Update: Will Russia Capture Donbas?


With fighting mainly concentrated around Bakhmut, the Russian army appears to have made strategically significant advances in neighbouring towns, aiming to surround the Ukrainian forces. But can German Leopard tanks help Ukraine turn the tide once again?

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33 thoughts on “Ukraine Battlefield Update: Will Russia Capture Donbas?”

  1. i feel like people forget the sloviansk and kramatorsk are not the only strongholds left, Konstantynivka and Druzhkivka as well als Toretsk and Chasiv Yar would still stand and even if those fall there is Pokrovsk

  2. Matthew 24:6-7 (KJV) And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 👈🏼👈🏼

    All of this with Russia, Ukraine, US, EU has all already been prophesied before. We are in the end times, yeah it's been said for years now but World War 3 is coming! Watch and pray for when the abomination that makes desolate ( The Pope ) steps into the holy place ( That Third Temple the Jews are trying to build ) then will great tribulation come ushering in the coming of the Lord.

    So turn away from the wickedness of this world, the pagan holidays, the sinful ways that are forced on our society and follow God while you still can. Walk in his laws and commandments as written in Exodus 20:1-17, stay steadfast and keep the faith. Peace to everyone reading in Jesus' name ✨🕊️✨

  3. the Ukraine is toast stick a fork in em they are all done no matter what the propaganda media has been saying all along that the ukraine is winning this war, what a joke , suck on that Biden , zelenski should be on trial as a war criminal

  4. It is a glass half full situation on pulling back to Kramatorsk and Slovyansk
    On the one hand yes the Ukrainians bought themselves time at Bahkmut to re-enforce these two cities to withstand a siege better
    On the other hand if the fighting moves there the cities will be leveled like every over city that Russia takes in this war

  5. Unfortunately I have to agree with this now and so does my WW2 veteran family members that are still left

    It's like one my favorite songs Folks Keep Talking from my favorite bands Pink Floyd when Stephen Hawking did his famous Commercial in the 90s saying as long as Mankind keeps communicating the human race still has a chance to turn it around no matter how close we get to another catastrophic global disaster like now we face in 2023 like some of my family who faught in WW2 so this never happens again unfortunately they now see all the ingredients are again like it was in 1937 only with hypersonic nukes and way more powerful and devastating warfare weapons on terrifying scale never thought possible it's almost incomprehensible to the mass destruction this will cause you think the most disturbing and scary movie in history threads about a nuclear Holocaust with the most realistic ending in movie history about really what will happen to are human race in end which is not being able to reproduce because of radiation wasteland on a apocalyptic scale that even surpasses another great WW3 ending movie on the Beach made in the 1950s where Australia was the last country standing waiting for the end of are existence again either way you look at it people like this song represents we need to keep talking or else

  6. Banderstadt/ Ukraine is a puppet state not a country !!!!!

    Give back to the Hungarians,Polish,Belarusian and other nations their the jure territories and send zionist Zelensky back home, Russia will win GLORY TO RUSSIA.

  7. C'MON TLDR, are you willing to turn to people's side, and not the war seekers for once? Try to help this war to stop by telling the truth? This Zelenscreen criminal needs to be removed and later punished too. Let's help Ukraine with real support, not weapons that will wipe them out of the planet. (I can't believe, The Duran with Alex and Alexander has much less viewers than this scum here)


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