UKRAINE ATTACKS PORT, KERCH BRIDGE CLOSES! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 738)

Ukrainian forces attacked a Major Russian port that is vital to keep the Russian armed forces running. The attack was so large that the Russians shut down the Kerch bridge and are putting almost all of Crimea on lockdown. Ukrainian forces ambushed Russians in Krynky, forcing the Russians to retreat. Russia is also grounding their entire A-50 fleet, and are also dealing with an armed uprising in Ingushetia.

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41 thoughts on “UKRAINE ATTACKS PORT, KERCH BRIDGE CLOSES! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 738)”

  1. About Moldova.. "According to Maksym Zhorin, deputy commander of the 3rd Assault Brigade, Moldova could ask Ukraine for help. It is worth noting that a similar statement was made in the summer of 2022 by Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov, who said that Ukraine would help Moldova get rid of the occupiers."
    From Visit Ukraine.
    So yes.. Ukraine could very well help Moldova get rid of the Russian forces that are stationed in Transnistria.
    Meaning russkies would have another very bad field trip day..

  2. 1:15:20 Beginning in the 1990s and increasing in the following decades, references to "Kumbaya" or "singing 'Kumbaya'" entered idiomatic usage in the politics of the United States, often to suggest that someone other than the speaker is too conciliatory or eager to compromise.[13][14] Richard Vatz has characterized these references to the song as sarcastic criticism of consensus "that allegedly does not examine the issues or is revelatory of cockeyed optimism."

  3. Guys you forgot to mention the rare and highly trained staff on board of these radar planes it takes years to be skillfully trained to operate the equipment on board of these planes and the orcs are also not able to build replacements for these downed planes.

  4. I will BET my 59yrs as conservative, MAGA since 2014. The MINUTE ….the SOUTHERN Border wall is FUNDED 100% . The Conservatives/MAGA will support Ukraine 100% I would give them F-35's and whatever is needed to WIN Quickly!!!
    Unfortunately, young Conservatives/MAGA don't UNDERSTAND how LONG the Republican party has been HOODWINKED by the Democrats on Closing the Border. I SUGGEST ALL REAL CONSERVATIVES FOCUS ON THE BORDER TO GET UKRAINE FUNDING ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The SAFETY and SECURITY of the USA COMES FIRST….NO MATTER WHAT. A failed USA CAN'T help UKRAINE no Matter how much we would wish.

  5. Regarding the grounding of the Russian A-50 fleet: I think there is another possibility, in that the remaining aircrews show the writing on the wall and didn’t want to fly on those death traps any longer! Great stream guys!

  6. There is no mystery to 'how' an S200 might reach over 220km – that is what it does (when in long-range programme) – see the Flight 1812 shootdown over the Black sea for a comparable (if negligent) shootdown of an airliner in the southern portion of the Black Sea (near ODIRA).

    What is unclear is whether the Ukrainians were able to deploy this 'static' SAM within close proximity to the frontlines for a SAM ambush – a possible answer is a temporary siting of 1-2 rails and missiles, together with a Franken-SAM mix of AD Radars more mobile and deployable than the ancient S-200 cabins and antenna groups. It seems unlikely that a vanilla S-200 system could be installed in full without the Russians noticing well before it could be operational.

  7. Hello Andrew and Matt! I had a thought, with all the new subscribers you guys should make a short video explaining the origin of the name LSA. So you have something to quickly reference for the new LSA members.

  8. Boys LSA rocks you're a amazing source of news reporting for facts also the cash raised by the LSA army is an inspiration for all to take a look at the way we can come together and help Ukraine 🇺🇦 fight the good fight
    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

  9. It is disrespectful to make jokes about all this loss of life. It’s a shame because you are so knowledgeable and obviously work hard to collect and present all these media.

  10. 12:03: 🚨 Ukraine conducts drone attacks, faces armed uprising in Inedia, significant frontline actions.
    21:41: 💥 Ukrainian drone attack on port unsuccessful, causing damage to apartment building in St. Petersburg.
    34:06: 🔥 Firefights erupt in Caracone town within Oblast, escalating conflict with Russian FSB.
    47:04: ⚔️ Russian government faces potential uprisings in neighboring regions due to the emergence of the Ineta Free Army.
    1:01:18: 🔥 Ukrainian intelligence operations reveal successful raids and reclaiming of enemy territory.
    1:13:44: ⚠️ Effective ways to influence representatives without resorting to threats or violence.
    1:25:32: ⚠️ Strict policy against promoting political views or demonizing groups, leading to immediate bans.
    1:38:47: 🥚 Discovery of potentially explosive bomb eggs leads to chaotic and comedic scenes in a cornfield.
    2:01:43: 🐇 Exploration of rabbit holes appreciated by viewers, supporting channel's continuation.
    2:14:29: 💔 Decline in usage of Bors in Ukraine due to being shot down, now mainly used in naval role.
    2:27:12: 🏞️ Appreciation for the scenic beauty of North Carolina streets and surroundings.
    2:39:29: 💡 Analysis of Eastern Front logistics and heroism during WWII battles.
    2:52:11: ⚔️ Ukrainian Americans show support for the channel and discuss the importance of being vocal about the war.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI


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