UK troops could face Putin’s forces this year | Hamish de Bretton Gordon

Hamish de Bretton Gordon argues that UK troops could be fighting a ground war with Putin’s forces by November if Ukraine doesn’t prevail.

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46 thoughts on “UK troops could face Putin’s forces this year | Hamish de Bretton Gordon”

  1. Why have this obviously alcohol-ravaged warmonger on your channel to gaslight the British people? Oh yes, you’re warmongers too! Don’t cheer for war unless you’re prepared to go to war yourselves and take your spouses and children with you 🤬

  2. It's an absolute disgrace that we have anything to do with Ukraine. 7vyears ago we were freezing their assets due to the massive corruption in that country. Let NO ONE forget the bribes and payoffs biden and his family have taken from them and now that he's president they lead the charge on the whole world sending billions to ukraine. People can't stay ignorant much longer

  3. People with this same Toff accent have sent thousands of young British working class men to their deaths . .
    Russia has no intention of invading anywhere outside their lost territories of Nova Russia

  4. Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world, self sufficient in gas oil food minerals, with a decreasing not expanding population… they are one of the last countries that need to invade another country except when security is threatened, as in the case of Ukraine…. So what old Rudolph is telling you is to keep the cash flow from the taxpayers coming his way

  5. You better not, this is absolute lies, pure evil, all these lost lives for what, so the weapons industry can make obscene profits, stop this demonic evil, just more lies, lies lies, 😮

  6. Here's how it works in the UK… If you are rich you send your kids to private school…. But if you kids are not too bright you send them to become a armed force officer so they don't embarrass themselves in the real world… Sometimes they appear in interviews spouting nonsense

  7. If the government wants to make the case for war with Russia… then believe me it will cause a major havoc in the country.
    We don’t have the genetics of winning the war. Even we try hard to supplement the military budget which don’t have.

    Ww3 is imminent.😮

  8. This guy is so typically British elite-I eat Yorkshire pudding while the rest must go and fight my paranoid obsession with Russia and the rest of the non-West! Go back to Oxford and get to grips with sincere diplomacy!

  9. This man is a complete Coward. He is selling a story of complete lies . He is quite prepared to let our troops die in Ukraine for some financial gain for our government. He's nothing more than a cheap salesman.

  10. Hamish de Breton Gordon is not highly regarded in the world of true Army Colonels and people who have actually fought in wars. He is deluded and thinks Britain is a superpower and can fight anything. He can fool the average westerner but to control equipments to shoot drones and missiles
    down, Ukrainians have not been trained long enough. Don’t forget the original Ukrainian soilders who were well train are probably dead. These attacks are helped others not just Ukrainians. Putin has never said they would attack other European countries this is a western propaganda. It is ploy to agree money for Ukraine. If he really wants to fight Putin send NATO troops in!

  11. This man is a fool. Russia is no threat to us and does not even want all of Ukraine. It’s simply defending itself fellow Russians and it’s security interests.

    NATO and the CIA have been involved in subverting Ukraine for decades!!!

    Go listen to Colonel Douglas Macgregor not this fool!!

  12. You're going to run out of clowns to interview if you dont slow down
    Back on the nonsense bandwagon then Times Radio?
    Talking absolute and complete and total BS for dimwits to believe…. Is ukraine still winning the war? Whatever happened to the ghost of kiev? has he single handedly won the war?

  13. They may be the Corporate UK's troops, but they won't be the British people's troops. Russia, we the people do not want war, isnt it only the politicians banks and big business that do?


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