UK to delivered The World's Most powerful Super Frigates for royal navy

look at the Type 26 frigate project in context, its progress to date and the likely future delivery schedule, At some point, probably in 2027 the ship will formally commission into the Royal Navy


25 thoughts on “UK to delivered The World's Most powerful Super Frigates for royal navy”

  1. So if Scotland is stupid enough to become independent we will lose all the navy work and the submarines will also move probably to Wales!
    All that money and future work gone!
    Long live the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

  2. I was in the naval sea trials unit during the falklands a missile going 800 mph destroyed sheffild how does this heap of tin stop a hyposonic missile going 8 to 12 thousand mph stand a chance its a floating death trap

  3. the ONLY place in the so caled uk that these very advanced ships can be made is in Scotland FACT. so dont let oparation fear by the english tores. Scotland will still be making these ships well after independance. SNP will only BAN nuclear wepons and subs from the clyde FACT. some day our childrens children in a free nation of Scotland we will be bullding starrships and england and the word tory will be forgoten FACT SNP CLAN FRASER.

  4. So they can do what a destroyer does what’s that can’t go to cold areas everything freezes.can’t go to hot areas they over heat. And I won’t start on the carriers bring back the leanders.

  5. Strange because I thought we’d completely given up ! Massive immigration of people nobody really wants…our Police buying thousands of BMW’s despite them being paid for from British taxpayers (not German) and the fact that there is a Jaguar factory down the road ! Bloody unbelievable !


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