UK Supplies Ukraine with More New Martlet Missiles to Use Against Russian Drones

The UK has shipped an additional batch of Martlet missiles, used to combat drones, to Ukraine, The Times reported. These missiles are specifically designed to target airborne threats. The Martlet missile, known for its accuracy and efficiency, As such, the Martlet missile provides a significant boost to Ukraine’s defense capabilities, increasing their ability to protect their airspace and counter Russian advances.


6 thoughts on “UK Supplies Ukraine with More New Martlet Missiles to Use Against Russian Drones”

  1. These laser‐guided missiles are all but useless when launched from MANPADS shoulder launchers against drones like Shahed 136 and even less useful against modernized Shahed 136/Geranium 2. Ukraine had 6 Alvis Stormer armored air defense vehicles that could also launch this missile (at least 2 were lost). It's a ridiculous number for a point air-defense.

  2. Yes and in the UK we have a homeless crisis with families holding down several jobs who have to rely on food banks. Apparently according to our inept government we cannot afford to give our junior Doctors in the NHS any more money.
    I have been a Conservative voter all my life and in the next election will vote for ANYONE else NOT them

  3. What is happening in Ukraine is on scope and scale which NAT0 was not even able to imagine and has no answer to it. NAT0 has almost no ammo left, no artillerry , no tanks, no missilles to stand up Russia. Imagine, U. K. , or some people in U.K. want to fight Russia directly while only having 40(!) Chalanger tanks in working order 🙂 Ridicul*us NAT0 is a paper tiger. NAT0 spent 2O years learning how to fight Afghan wedding parties and Iraqi villagers, because that is pretty much what NAT0 was doing. NAT0 forgot how to do a large scale ground combat. NAT0 even has no means to do large scale combat. China is there for Russia, Russia is there for China…. Who is there for USA? United Kingdom with their 40(!) Chalenger tanks in working order ??? Or Germany? Germany is not only 100% out of ammo, but on the top of that Germany was even bombed by USA!!!!(Nord Stream) Ridicul*us NAT0, unfortunately still able to make mess around the globe !!! Recently we could see the "quality" of USA´s weapons in counterofensive in Ukraine. The only things which are remarkable about those guns are the PRICE and the SPEED in which these are being wiped out… USA only has the most expensive military in the world, while Russia has the strongest army in the world and the most experienced army in the world..


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