“UK Motorways Are Like Driving In Pakistan” | Peter Cardwell Calls Compilation | 9th December 2023

Peter Cardwell takes calls from viewers on Rishi Sunak’s rervised Rwanda plan and the UK Covid Inquiry. #news #politics …


32 thoughts on ““UK Motorways Are Like Driving In Pakistan” | Peter Cardwell Calls Compilation | 9th December 2023”

  1. This country is over populated our roads our infrastructure our services were not designed to take so much traffic/population and it will get worse the more immigration goes on, immigration has to stop immediately.

  2. An English man I argued with last week thought following lanes on roundabout was my fault. He had his own way of dealing with roundabouts which proved me that he needed refresher course in driving.

  3. Orwellian censorship is Ofcom Fascism masquerading under the guise of safety. GB news Talk TV

    The people’s channel

    The free speech channel No bias

    No Tommy Robinson

    No Anne Marie Waters

    No Anni Cyrus

    No Ayaan Hirsi Ali

    No Katie Hopkins

    No Pat Condell

    No Paul Weston

    Ad infinitum

  4. Mass migration is destroying this nation. Do not vote for Labour otherwise our children are totally screwed and will be second class citizen's in our own country. Net Zero for at least 5 years is the only solution.

  5. Well done peter, top man, genuinely nice guy and want everyone to have a voice! Keep your show for the people and not just jumped up no mark guests! Wish Mike graham, kev o'sullivan, julia and like would get back to more caller interaction…..ffs its called talktv….let us talk!!

  6. I can't understand the point of these chats shows. There asking divisive questions and when somebody comes on with an unsavoury answer or an answer they don't like the other opinion is not allowed. If you don't want to hear everyones opinions then don't have these chats shows.

  7. I remember hitch hiking around the UK and Europe back in the 80's / 90's …and then seeing my old hitching places years later with torrents of traffic rolling over them… – I looked at the slip road of one particular motorway services and simply stood there shaking my head in disbelief……

  8. “Something bad happened to me, I got emotional, so I engaged in inappropriate behaviour. So don’t you dare criticise me”. Yeah – let’s apply that to crime. It’s not their fault, it’s something/someone else.

  9. When I was driving I found a certain demographic would overtake and cut in while I was slowing for traffic light , this was dangerous and they would look back smiling and give me the "finger" . I believe take hoped I would crash so they could claim off my insurance.


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