UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight

The world is watching as the US Congress looks into the UAP phenomenon. Here, veteran investigative journalists Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel break down the news, and speak with credible experts and insiders. Subscribe now » http://7news.link/SpotlightSubscribe

This is a special edition of NEED TO KNOW in collaboration with Australia’s 7NEWS.
For more information head to http://www.NeedToKnow.today

For those of you who aren’t already viewers or listeners to NEED TO KNOW @Need to Know (Coulthart & Zabel) presented by Ross Coulthart and his friend and colleague Bryce Zabel, NEED TO KNOW is a show that gives you the latest news and analysis about what they suspect will soon turn out to be the biggest story ever, the emerging astonishing revelations about UAPs – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena – what some folk have long called UFOs.

As you’ll see, Bryce and Ross think this is a story that needs to be taken very seriously after decades of what we both believe is unjustified stigma and ridicule. UAPs are an authentic mystery that can no longer be denied.

Ross and Bryce embarked on a road trip of the US, speaking with credible experts and insiders for this documentary.

Hear from Ryan Graves, the former US Navy advanced fighter pilot, whose testimony to Congressmen and Senator in closed door hearings in Congress has been key in waking politicians up to the reality that this phenomenon, whatever it is, is a potential national security threat and a real danger to flight safety.

Investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell shares insights on secrets he believes the US government is hiding.

Ross and Bryce also went UAP hunting with investigator Ben Hansen, in an area renowned for sightings.

Ross also sits down for an incredible interview with Professor Garry Nolan.
Garry is a Stanford University professor, an internationally renowned immunologist, who has recently been nominated for a Nobel Prize. He’s also been involved in secret work for the CIA investigating illnesses suffered by military and intelligence personnel who’ve had damaging close-up experiences with UAPs.

And Bryce’s co-creator of TV series ‘Dark Skies’, Brent Friedman, reveals a bizarre encounter he had, when the show was launched.

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36 thoughts on “UFO & UAP 'Need to Know' News Documentary with Coulthart & Zabel | 7NEWS Spotlight”

  1. Please keep this content coming. Loving it and I’m continuing to find it very interesting. Looking forward to seeing those test results back from Gary Nolan about the sphere

  2. What a great show, thanks chaps. Please see if you can get hold of Dr Steven Greer or Bob Lazar for a future interview! Bet you’d get some amazing insights there!

  3. it's all bull. why? because every single ufo is recorded very very poorly, and everything well recorded is not a UFO or extra terrestrial. not once is there a good photo of something extraterrestrial. see the logic? everything recorded well enough to identify is never extra terrestrial and only those things that can't be identified are implied to be extraterrestrial .

  4. I remember “Dark Skies” as a TV show that was often preempted for “special” programming and cancelled rather suddenly? At the time, I was just an irritated teenager not getting to watch one of my favorite shows. As I’ve gotten older, at times, I’ve wonder if it was just a matter of poor ratings…or did aspects of that show hit too close to home?

  5. This is just my opinion but hey America and those countries you know doing that nuclear thing I don't think it was because of world war II I think they were trying to get that technology so hey they can fight aliens beings . Think about it what would these countries need so many many missiles that like one or two missiles could destroy each country really it makes sense a if they're making all these missiles for alien beings. !

  6. So what the evidence is saying is, some individuals have the capacity to materialize these objects/crafts. And the government doesn't like the fact, that it has no control over these individuals, who walk among us undetected!?

    These individuals as best I can gather seem to be autistic(HIGH FUNCTIONING). And possibly some individuals who have schizophrenia!?

    Why these individuals are able to do this, must have something to do with brain abnormalities??

  7. Sound light and frequency all discussed in autobiography of a yogi by Parmansa Yogananda. Meditation is where I was led back 35 years ago when I started to explore the UFO phenomenon. Light sound and frequency can all be experienced within the stillness of meditation and having a personal experience with the one creator of all. Alien technology is fun to talk about an exciting but in their view they would rather see us delve down deeper into the spiritual realities that will bring all of us together in unity and harmony on the planet

  8. Bryce acts like a game show host. I'm not sure that he's the man to spread the word about ufo's. I've seen them on a couple of occasions and believe there's something to it. He's not believable. If I had not witnessed what I did, I would think that Bryce was trying to sell me snake oil. He even calls the information he's selling a product. I'm not looking to buy another product. People who take the phenomenon seriously want information, not a packaged, pre prepared and watered down product.

  9. Professor Nolan is part of the underrepresented intelligentsia of our planet that is not afraid to say publicly what is in the minds of many people in the post collegiate level of education, but only out of their mouths in private company in earnest due to professional or security clearance concerns.

  10. Professor Nolan explicated precisely the cognitive dissonance experienced by those of us who have been trained in and/or worked in academic circles when presented with the data and trying to assimilate it into a well-crafted, pre-existing weltanschaung.

  11. I have always been interested in UAPs and seeing how many credible people have come forth and given this phenomenon some sort of validity is AMAIZING. I hope more people come forth and force not only the US government to really come clean, but other institutions too who are in possession of information pertaining UAPs, like the Vatican. These sightings have been happening for years, since ancient times, the Vatican must have historical records of UAPs from every part of the world. I mean, they have an observatory, a huge telescope, it is obvious that they have an interest in space. I would love to know what information they have on this topic. Anyhow, congrats to Mr. Coulthart and Zabel. Can’t wait to see more of these documentaries.

  12. Very, very informative and downright interesting video. "key to the universe: sound, light and frequency" was something Tesla was exploring, if I remember correctly, and he (Tesla) indicated that this was truly the key.

  13. It's the old I'm a liar everything I say is a lie ok I'm telling the truth now in a way. Not totally. The government saying they're real we just don't know what they are but meanwhile we've got whole crafts we're trying to back engineer doesn't really cut it but they're probably doing what they think best. The lengths they've gone to they don't go to unless they're very serious and think this subject is very serious.

  14. It makes sense that the government entities in power have been aware of this activity because they also try to silence servicemen's questions/ concerns. The general public approval with agreements made with ET's would be a P. R. Nightmare.
    The world is wanting change for the better, so let's just accept it and move on. Yes some in power will have to be held accountable, after all they work for the public…. Right? We can handle the truth but we're sick of the lies.

  15. Most UFO are build by Human Atlantis left Earth 4033 B.C Time of the Flood to Aldebaran all Human , Native America Indians Tribe left Earth 395 A.D to Aldebaran all Human , Viking Odin Left Earth to Aldebaran in 473 A.D all Human also UFO In Baltic Sea is Once of Odin , Maria Orsic Left the Earth from Norway in March 1 1945 with 16 Vril 9 Flying Saucers She Build She Outsmart NAZI ,SS, Stalin Communist , Rockefeller , Rothschild , Federal Reserve, New York Banks , Globalist Elites they want Nuclear but she build 17 Flying Saucers in Norway One Vril 8 did not Work to good & 16 Vril 9 at left the Earth & her crews of 607 to Aldebaran but her Worm machine Throw her Saucers in to Alpha Centauri B Third Planet from the SUN on Dec 24 1945 she Landed On It

  16. Playing Devil's advocate, where is this mysterious "equation" from this mysterious JC ?
    I thought Coultard was going to ask Zabel about the original written JC equation, but was somewhat disappointed that, Zabel kept things pretty vague about any specific details about the JC encounter.
    The JC encounter, as fascinating as it seems, needed to be fleshed out more, where is the equation?
    Was the equation shown to any physicists? Who were the group that Zabel had meetings with?Names, dates places?
    An intriguing story, but needs more meat on the bones.


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