UFO Sightings Caught On Camera | Our Life

In this extraordinary documentary we meet people who have had real life UFO sightings, and caught them on camera too! Subscribe to Our Life: https://bit.ly/3dBMxvl

This documentary argues that the mystery surrounding sightings of UFOs could be dispelled if governments were more open with their findings. The programme suggests that while Britain and America appear to conceal information, creating a fertile breeding ground for rumour and conjecture, Russia has begun to talk about its findings openly.

The programme draws heavily on amateur material of UFO sightings from around the world. It also focuses on two incidents where there were numerous reliable witnesses to strange lights in a wood near Woodbridge Airbase, Britain and the discovery of metal fragments in Roswell, New Mexico, USA. In both cases governments appear to have been evasive in instituting investigations into the possibility of cover ups, a factor which tends to generate further suspicions of a cover up.

This film was first broadcast: 10 Jan 1995

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46 thoughts on “UFO Sightings Caught On Camera | Our Life”

  1. When we consider that there have been tens of thousands of UFO sightings, all it takes is for just "one" to be a real UFO to prove the phenomenon exists and is real: "JUST ONE"—-Think About It: They cannot all be false sightings.

  2. This is certainly one of the most well researched, crafted and narrated UFO documentaries out there…. many thanks. A firm believer in science, convinced our rapidly expanding knowledge base upon which we base reality the only path forward for humanity… and an enduring disgust for our capacity to see anything beyond what we want to believe, not what we know to be true. As subjects of extra-terrestrial research, these beings from another space/dimension/time view our disbelief in them as a significant (observational) advantage while the fact we even know they exist is likely considered sloppy research protocol on their part. That doesn't leave much place at the center of a "spiritual" universe for human beings … but there you have it 🙂

  3. I remember opague prisms hovering on the ceiling over my top bunk bed when I was four years old. It would happen around two to four am. The thing would appear and dissapear and send electric pulses thru my body. I was so stunned I could not speak. One time outside with an overcast grey sky I saw the same tiny darker grey prism in the clouds to upper left of my field of visions. I was four but knew it was the same thing. This was in Ilion NY central NY outside of Utica.

  4. Thank you upper, Had this years ago and lost the tape, But always the best Video Of Et that is about, Then no one gave a toss but now things are changing, Quality and love for the up, Shame the end is missing, I will however if original tape found will upload the end, Thanks again

  5. These things follow a pattern in the fifties and early sixties the 'aliens' were green men akin to the 'mekon' in the late sixties to mid seventies they looked like astronauts as in the 'solway spaceman'. They then were 'venusians' from venus who looked like scandanavians in silver coats. Then after the 'xfiles' and the 'alien autopsy' hoax they are now short, grey with big eyes. People 'see' what is current in their minds. Their 'space ships' vary silver crescents, saucers, pyramids, cigar shapes, crosses, triangles, eggs, tic tacs, gimbles and every other conceivable shape. So it seems there are at least 4 different species (maybe more) using 'space ships' of many varied designs. So in conclusion it is a lot of fabrication and delusion misidentifying aircraft and then embellishing the story to get 15 minutes of fame. As for 'abductions' ludicrous, that is the best embellishment of all. Oh 5 different species forgot the 'tall whites'.

  6. I saw a flying flashing object 2 days ago at night, approximately 3:30 in the morning. It did move faster than an airplane at a very steady pace. After half a minute it suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye. I’m just an ordinary guy living in the Netherlands. The only exception to the ordinary is that I am a nighthawk since childhood. Just saying.

  7. Since Larry Warren came out with a book co-written by someone from Britain, that co-writer has stated that Warren told lies in the book, one of them I believe is when he said, he saw a being. So ever since I read this account, then when someone like Our Life posts this, I'm wondering if they know this about the lies in the book by Warren and don't care so they can get views or do they not know?

  8. I've been following the UFO phenomenon since I was a kid. Now being 46 it's very frustrating that legit information has never come out as an explanation. So frustrating that there was a time I lost all interests in UFOs.

  9. This series is years old, not days. Those Walters photos are of corny and unoriginal objects reflecting on the inside of window giass and taken from the inside of the room. Some of the rest are interesting, but the quality is not up to current sources.

  10. We must keep pressuring our governments worldwide to just tell all. People are not terrified in fact its scary because they don't tell us the truth. And a lot of religious ( not religion ) have lost their congregation due to immoral and manipulative behaviour well in my personal opinion.

  11. The concord footage sums it up for me! You are lying out of your teeth and behind at the same time with hot air. It was a clear round sphere which we see today almost daily already. That was a UFO but we now know it’s a drone of a UFO and not the actual craft. The craft spits that thing out and that thing goes to see the area and send back so it was just checking out our “best” technology.

  12. That’s it! After the diamond shape UFO debunker I can’t watch this. Men that are skeptics like this don’t even believe their own mothers. It’s impossible to watch and not get pretty upset

  13. lol at about 12:min in were shows a commercial plane an a orb drop down and back up on side of the plane, the guy claiming to debunk it by saying its sun hitting the camera and causing an internal reflection claiming that its moving as the camera moves

    but funny thing is the camera is still its not moving up an down when the object is so doesn't make any sense

  14. 12:00 he is lying shamelessly because he is afraid for his career and credibility, a consequence of the social stigma about UFOs. It is not true that it moves in sync with the movement of the lens! And why does it just disappear when it arrives on the plane as if it were behind it?

  15. The Gulf Breeze sighting at 5:58 was likely a suborbital sounding rocket and the spent booster being released off the coast of the peninsula. These are frequent in the FL area and at Wallops in VA, and used for everything from environmental, atmospheric, and meteorological research to rocket velocity testing.

  16. Me and two of my kids have seen this triangle shaped craft in 2020 flying low over our house there was no engine noise just the deep humming sound it was amazing

  17. I grew up in a small town on the Southern most tip of South Africa, I should also note that In certain parts along this coastal town, there are strong magnetic anomalies that have caused ship compasses to spin out and also cause GPS and comms system failures on aircraft and boats unto today, all around the coastline are multiple shipwrecks dating back for many years, I was a sceptic until 2018 when I remember seeing a disc shaped craft exactly like the one’s displayed here, almost identical and with the same light patterns hovering above the southern part of the town, it was hanging in place for awhile after which it started moving around with rather strange characteristics, it made a turn in an incredible and unworldly speed and then it shot off into the sky unlike anything I have ever seen before.

  18. The spiritual world is much larger than the physical world…I believe that these are manifestation of spiritual beings moving in a physical sphere that would crush the human body by these manuvers…… The world is on the verge of full disclosure…We are being groomed to accept the truth… Scared yet??? You ain't seen nutting yet…🙏☝️🕊️

  19. In 2018 I saw a white round object with a light gray edge. The edge began to "twinkle" . In a few seconds the object became invisible. This was in a bright blue cloudless sky, and was seen in locations 45 miles away according to MUFON.

  20. We need to replace Newtonian 1D-4D "necessary" universe nonsense with Leibniz’s 0D-3D "contingent" universe.

    0 (whole, rational and not-natural number) and it's geometric counterpart 0D are "necessary".

    1-9 and 1D-9D are "contingent"; on 0 and 0D.

    0D is Leibniz's Monadology 📚.

    0D Monad is Quarks
    1D Line is Leptons
    2D Plane is Guage Bosons
    3D Volume is Higgs Bosons

    1D-4D 🚫
    0D-3D ✅

    Newton drinks his own pee.

    0D Monad 🔘 is Quark 🟢🔵🔴 in quantum physics.

    Can every human on earth read Leibniz's Law of Sufficient Reason? Thanks.

  21. They spin plasma into a super fluid spin it a 128000 revolutions a minute that cool it to 60゚ Kelvin oven and create anti gravity They have 3 nuclear engines one in each corner that's what that little white ball is the center of it,its a plasma tourist .the saucer is run on anti matter matter matter propulsion systems. They can use gravity Machines They may help keep from human splattering against the wall when they move such fast angles and lots of Gs,which can served as e Inertia damners

  22. @5:05 experienced something very similar in the Myles Standish Industrial Park it scared my coworker to his straight core while I felt so intrigued by the fact I was able to see it literally split in half and launch the bottom half leaving only a star streak it was absolutely amazing


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